Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1934] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 83 utes. The Department was unable to do this, however, and has, therefore, been authorized to purchase a Percheron stallion in the United States instead of importing one. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this action was approved. PURCHASES FOR DAIRY CREAMERY (17) A recommendation t h a t the Department of Dairy Husbandry be authorized to purchase (1) one Type D bottle washer complete with chlorinating attachment, to be erected in the Creamery at Urbana, at a cost of $1640, and (2) one special feeder wheel for No. 7 Davis filler and capper at a cost of $66, from the Creamery Package Manufacturing Company of Chicago. On motion of Mr. Armstrong, this purchase was authorized. REPORT OF PURCHASES (18) A report that the following purchases were approved by the President in accordance with the authorization of the Board of Trustees on May 22, 1934 (Minutes, page 577), because immediate action seemed advisable: A car load of 8 5 % Magnesia pipe covering from the Keasby & Mattison Company for the Physical Plant Department, for the new steam line and regular stock, at a total cost of $2,566.00. One hundred and six feeder calves from the Producers Commission Association of Kansas City at a total cost of $2,730.50 for feeding experiments in the Agricultural Experiment Station. Funds are available in the Department of Animal Husbandry for this purpose. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this action was approved. INTERSECTION OF GREEN STREET WITH W R I G H T STREET AND MATHEWS A V E N U E Mr. Karraker reported, for the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, that the Chicago Motor Club has submitted to the Commissioner of Health and Public Safety of Champaign a report prepared by one of its experts on the traffic situation on Green Street at the entrances to the campus and recommends certain restrictions and traffic control. This report was sent to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for its consideration and recommendation at this meeting of the Board. The previous action of the Board on this matter was reaffirmed. ADMISSION TO T H E COLLEGE OF MEDICINE D r . M e y e r r e p o r t e d , for t h e C o m m i t t e e on Chicago D e p a r t m e n t s , a r e c o m m e n d a t i o n t h a t regulations 1 a n d 2, below, be a d o p t e d , effective S e p t e m b e r 1, 1935. 1. The order of admission to the College of Medicine of students who have had their premedical work at other institutions, that is, applicants not registered in the regular seven-year medical curriculum and who have not had at least the second premedical year at the University, shall be based upon their scholastic records; provided t h a t the minimum scholastic average in all cases shall be equivalent to a 3.5 average in the University's grading system, as now required. The scholastic records of all such applicants shall be averaged on or about July 1, and the first-year class shall be filled by assigning to it applicants in the order of their scholastic standing, beginning with the highest ranking applicant; vacancies which may occur after all places in the class have been assigned may be filled from the remaining applicants in the order of their scholastic standing. 2. Places in the first-year class shall be assigned to applicants from the County of Cook and to applicants from Illinois outside of Cook County in the proportion which each area bears to the total population of the State according to the latest federal census; provided that if at any time the quota from either area is not filled the remaining places may be assigned to applicants from the other area. On this basis at the