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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i93 6 l UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 789 4. M. P. Claussen, Service Fellow in History, first semester of 1936-1937, or from September I, 1936, to February 1, 1937, with pay, to enable him to spend the time in London to collect materials on his thesis, "Anglo-American Relations during the Civil War." During the second semester Mr. Claussen will render service equivalent to what he would render under this fellowship if he were in residence the full year. 5. Paul David, laborer in the College of Dentistry, sick leave with full pay from May 9 to June 8, 1936, in addition to the sick leave and vacation allowances to which he is entitled under the University Statutes. This leave was granted in consideration of Mr. David's long period of service, covering 28 years, in the Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry. 6. Mrs. Helen Taylor Butner, a member of the staff of the Department of Home Economics, sick leave from June 13, to June 27, 1936, with pay. On motion of Mr. Barrett, these leaves were approved. EXCHANGE OF PROFESSORSHIPS WITH UNIVERSITY OF OSLO IN NORWAY (13) A request for authority under the University Statutes to permit Professor L. M. Larson, of the Department of History, to exchange his position as P r o fessor of History, but not as Head of the Department, with Professor A. W. Brogger, of the University of Oslo, Norway, for the second semester of the year 1936-1937. T h e Department of History and the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences have advised that this exchange of professorships will involve no increase in the cost of instruction in that Department. Certain questions, however, need to be settled before this arrangement is put into effect. Hence this recommendation is for authority to approve the exchange, subject to satisfactory arrangement of details, instead of a definite recommendation that it be authorized at this time. On motion of Dr. Meyer, the President of the University was authorized to approve this exchange on such terms as may seem proper. RESIGNATION OF PROFESSOR W. E. BURGE (14) The Dean of the College of Liberal A r t s and Sciences recommends that Professor W. E. Burge, Acting Head of the Department of Physiology, be given leave of absence on one-half pay during the academic year 1937-1938, and that at the end of that year his resignation from the faculty be accepted. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this recommendation was concurred in. DIRECTORS OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (15) A recommendation that the following be appointed directors of the University of Illinois Athletic Association to serve until the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees in 1937, or until their successors have been elected: Director George A. Huff; Professor F. A. Russell; Professor F. E. Richart; Mr. J. P. Kratz, Monticello, Illinois; Mr." W. E. C. Clifford, Champaign, Illinois. (The Constitution of the Athletic Association provides that its directors shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees of the University on the nomination of the President of the University.) On motion of Mr. Mayer, these directors were appointed as recommended. AWARD OF C.P.A. CERTIFICATES (16) A recommendation that the following candidates who have been certified by the Board of Examiners in Accountancy as having passed the C.P.A. examination in May, 1936, be awarded the certificate of Certified Public Accountant: LEWIS LEOPOLD AARON HAROLD W. ALENDUFF BOYD ANDERSON B E S T C. A. BLANKENBURC WILLIAM W E B B BRADY ROY W. CARLSON MARTIN H E N R Y CAWLEY EARL CHRISTMAS WILLMAR AARON CHULOCK J O H N EUGENE CORNYN FRANCIS H. D A F T BENNO B. E P S T E I N J O H N C FERRIS CLTVE MALCOLM FINEGAN
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