Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1936] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 771 rendered by the Associated Military Stores on all their contracts with the University have been entirely satisfactory. On motion of M r . Williams, this extension was authorized. HONORARIUM FOR COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER (49) A letter from Professor James W. Garner, the 1936 Commencement speaker, declining to accept the honorarium authorized by the Board of Trustees on March 10, 1936. On motion of M r . Williams, this letter was received with appreciation. TIME OF JUNE MEETING On motion of Mr. Barrett, the Board voted to hold the June meeting at a date to be fixed by the President of the Board. GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS The Secretary presented for record the following list of graduate scholars and fellows appointed by the President of the University. Bacteriology Chemistry Classics Betty G. Ault Lowell D. Eubank Theodore Bedrick Eileen P. Ryan Irving Silverman Education Konrad C. Dillow English Hugh W. Sargent History Mary L. Rice Mathematics Margaret Rempfer Romance Languages... .Betty L. Zwolanek Zoology Stephen W. Gray Dow CHEMICAL COMPANY Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship Fellowship Fellowship Fellowship Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship FELLOWSHIP $300 300 300 500 500 500 300 300 300 300 300 600 300 Chemistry Library Science William R. Dial KATHERINE L. SHARP Fellowship SCHOLARSHIP Katherine A. Brose Scholarship SECRETARY'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS T h e S e c r e t a r y presented also for r e c o r d the following r e p o r t of contracts executed by the President and the Secretary of the Board and deposited w i t h the S e c r e t a r y since t h e last r e p o r t . Name George Bennett Northwestern Heating and Plumbing Company Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company Date April 18, 1936 April 18, 1936 April 18, 1936 Amount $27 387 00 S 289 00 3 946 90 Purpose General Contract Work, Addition to Mining and Metallurgical Laboratory Heating and Ventilating Work, Addition to Mining and Metallurgical Laboratory Plumbing Work, Addition to Mining and Metallurgical Laboratory APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT T h e S e c r e t a r y p r e s e n t e d a l s o f o r r e c o r d a list o f a p p o i n t m e n t s m a d e by the President of the University. Adams, Leverett A., to give instruction in Zoology, in the Summer Session of 1936, beginning J u n e IS, 1936, and ending August 8, 1936, at a cash compensation of six hundred sixteen dollars sixty-seven cents ($616.67) for the session. (May 22, 1936)' 1 The date in parenthesis is the date on which the appointment was made by the President of the University.