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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I936] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 73- Dispenaary 1. M. H. Worthington, Managing Officer of Research and Educational Hospital and Superintendent of Dispensary D 2. S. P. Cromer, Assistant Superintendent of Dispensary... D 3. Polly Cline, Graduate Stenographer (C. S.) 4. Irene M. Chott, Junior Clerk (C. S.) 5. Margaret Venard, Dispensary Clerk (C. S.) 6. Ruth Northcott, Junior Clerk (C. S.) 7. Clara M. Lowe, Superintendent Nurse (C. S.). 8. Frances V. Craig, Registered Nurse (C. S.) 9. Teresa J. Robertson, Registered Nurse (C. S.) 10. Hattie C. Larson, Registered Nurse (C. S.) 11. Alyce Riley, Registered Nurse (C. S.) 12. Hazel Koonce, Registered Nurse (C. S.) 13. Marie Sorensen, Registered Nurse (C. S.) 14. Hazel M. Nelson, Registered Nurse (C. S.) 15. Mrs. Thelma Smith, Registered Nurse (C. S.) 16. Marguerite J. Glenn, Registered Nurse (C. S.) 17. Victoria S. Jaglowski, Registered Nurse (C. S.) 18. Honora T. Carrigan, Registered Nurse (C. S.) 19. Elizabeth Boyd, Registered Nurse (C. S.) 20. Shirley Brenner, Junior Clerk (C. S.) 21. B. B. Miller, Laborer (C. S.) 22. Viola A. Munson, Senior Clerk (C. S.) 23. Mrs. Lydia Conrad, Record Clerk (C. S.) 24. Helen F. Stocking, Senior Clerk (C. S.) Sub-total, Salaries 25. Wages H Total, Dispensary Hospital Laboratory 1. S. A. Levinson, Director Associate Professor of Pathology and Assistant Professor of Medicine (clinical staff) 2. R. P. MacFate, Assistant Director 3. Mrs. Virginia L. Brachvogel, Assistant 4. Mrs. Isabel C. Dorrell, Assistant 5. Olive M. Geis, Assistant 6. , Assistant (Sem. II) 7 .Assistant (Sem. II) 8. Hazel Blank, Technician 9. , Technician 10. Louis Goldberg, Laboratory Attendant (C. S.) 11. Nora M. Angland, Senior Stenographer (C. S.) Sub-total, Salaries 12. Wages Salary $3 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (38 * 600 200 170 080 170 995 900 709 709 709 709 805 709 709 709 709 709 709 170 450 180 720 500 030) 600 $ 38 630 DG75 $ 3 250 DG90 D D D F F D D 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (15 530 630 800 288 100 100 500 200 260 200 858) 100 H Total, Hospital Laboratory Laryngology, Rhinology, and Otology 1. F. L. Lederer, Professor and Head of Department 2. Joseph Schoolman, Resident 3- J. A. Weidemann, Technician Total, Laryngology, Rhinology, and Otology $ 15 958 AG50 $ 2 000 H 600" D 1 450 $ 4 050 'Salary paid by State Department of Public Welfare. 'Plus maintenance (including room, board, and laundry) furnished by State Department of Public Welfare.
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