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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1936] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 723 EG50 EG50 EG50 D H Salary 700 700 700 1 180 (26 945) 1 100 $ 28 045 21. Elma Courter, Assistant 22. Henrietta Howell, Assistant 23. , Assistant 24. Helen Small, Stenographer (C. S.) Sub-total, Salaries 25. Wages Total, Library School COLLEGE OF LAW 1. A. J. H a r n o , Dean Professor (See President's Office (Total salary 2. Sveinbjorn Johnson, Professor University Counsel (Salary under University Counsel) 3. Frederick Green, Professor, Emeritus 4. O. A. Harker, Professor, Emeritus 5. 0. L. McCaskiU, Professor ( O n leave with full pay for second semester of 1936-37) 6. W. E. Britton, Professor 7. M. I. Schnebly, Professor 8. W. L. Summers, Professor 9. G. W. Goble, Professor 10. G. B. Weisiger, Professor. 11. H. W. Holt, Professor 12. A. J. Casner, Associate Professor 13. V. E. Ferrall, Assistant Professor 14. Marian H. Martin, Secretary to the Dean ( E x e m p t ) . . . . 15. Dorothy Duncan, Typist (C. S.) Sub-total, Salaries 16. Wages Total, College of Law A Bl r * } G90 $7 DG10 8 A D * 650 850) 500) 3 000 3 000 A A A A A A A D B D G50 H 820 484 484 728 728 913 700 000 700 700 611 (65 518) 250 $ 65 768 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 5 3 1 COLLEGE OF FINE AND APPLIED ARTS Summary Administration Architecture Art Landscape Architecture School of Music Sub-total Revolving Account: University Chorus Total Salaries and Wages $11 845 52 690 35826 18 621 59 602 (178 584) 50 $178 634 Other Total Expense $3 525 ?I5 370 775 53 465 1000 36 826 690 19 3 " 3 625 63 227 (9 615) (188 199) 200 150 $9 765 $188 399 Expendable Endowment Income Fund Art: Lorado Taft Lectureship ?l ooo 1 Total $1 000 'Estimated. $50 $50 Si 050 $1 050
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