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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
T036] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 721 Salary 960 (3 960) 34. Kathryn Arndt, Stenographer Sub-total, Agricultural Economics D Agricultural Engineering 35. R. R. Parks, Extension Specialist, Agricultural Engineering ( E ) D 36. Mildred J. Wilson, Stenographer D Sub-total, Agricultural Engineering Agronomy 37. — , Extension Specialist, Agronomy ( E ) . . . . D 38. — , Stenographer D Sub-total, Agronomy Animal 39. —• Husbandry , Extension Specialist, Animal Husbandry (E) D 40. Mildred Scheer, Stenographer D Sub-total, Animal Husbandry 2700 1 020 (3720) 3 200 1 080 (4 280) 3000 1 080 (4 080) Dairy Husbandry 41. B. F. Whitmore, Extension Specialist, Dairy Husbandry (E) D 42. , Stenographer D Sub-total, Dairy Husbandry Horticulture 43, , Extension Specialist, Horticulture ( E ) . . D 44. —-— , Stenographer D Sub-total, Horticulture Home 45 Home 46. Economics: ) 2 400 1 080 (3 480) 2 400 1 080 (3 480) 2 200 Clothing Extension Specialist, Clothing ( E ) D Economics: Health Education •— , Extension Specialist, H o m e Economics Extension ( E ) D 2200 2 200 2 200 I 080 900 7 5391 (13 <W) 500 855) 1 045) 2 400) 720 720) I 440) (1 220) Home Economics: Home Advisers 47. Mrs. Helen Taylor Butner, H o m e Adviser at Large ( E ) D 48. , Home Adviser at Large ( E ) D 49. Mrs. Frances W. Kennedy, Stenographer D 50. , Stenographer D 51. County H o m e Advisers: 6 @ $1256.52 per year D (See Smith-Lever Fund, Item 44) Sub-total, Home Advisers Home Economics: Home Management 52. Mrs. Ruth C. Freeman, Associate, H o m e Accounts (E & S) (See Purnell Fund (See Smith-Lever Fund (Total salary 53. Mrs. Virginia W. Randall, Assistant, H o m e Accounts (E & S) (See Bankhead-Jones Research Fund (Total salary Sub-total, Home Management 'See Smith-Lever Fund, Item 44, footnotes 1 and 2. DG21 DG36 DG43 DG50 DG50
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