Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

7oo 1. BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 27 Sahry S e w a g e Research , Special Research Graduate Assistant in Civil Engineering EG50 $ Sub-total, Salaries 2. Wages H Total, Sewage Research $ 600 ( 600) 1 500 2 100 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE A N D AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Summary Salaries and Wages College Administration Agricultural Economics Agricultural Engineering Agronomy Animal Husbandry Dairy Husbandry Home Economics Horticulture Sub-total Organized Activities relating to College (self-supporting): Dairy Creamery Home Economics Cafeteria Sub-total Total, College Station Administration Agricultural Economics Agricultural Engineering Agronomy Animal Husbandry Dairy Husbandry Horticulture Sub-total Hatch Fund (Federal) Adams Fund (Federal) Purnell Fund (Federal) Bankhead-Jones Research Fund (Federal) Cook County Experiment Station Purnell Revolving Fund Sub-total Total, Station $26199 15 969 12924 26 415 42 923 38 114 48 651 55 229 (266424) 15 2 (17 $284 $ 9 22 12 94 72 29 41 (282 15 15 45 18 7 Other Expense $4600 365 1 119 I 994 22 000 19875 5 403 10 036 (65392) 700 400 100) 492 Total $30799 16 334 14043 28 409 64 923 57989 54 054 65 265 (331 816) 52 8 (60 $392 797 000 797) 613 097 37 600 5 697) (43 121 $108 363 $6200 858 4 035 686 2 235 208 37 612 306 57 120 662 12 600 215 8 164 298) (127 966) 000 000 319 1 14 681 040 1 3 644 772 3 428 500 300 (101 631) (22 053) $383929 $150019 $15563 26 893 14 921 131 820 129 426 42 262 49 379 (410 264) 15 ooo2 15 ooo2 60 ooo2 21 6842 11 2003 800 (123 684) $533 948 309 s 461 2 ooo2 1902 960) 000 960 5*1 Extension Smith-Lever Fund (Federal) $185 Capper-Ketcham Fund (Federal) 34 Additional Cooperative Fund ( F e d e r a l ) . . . 28 Bankhead-Jones Extension Fund (Federal) 187 Sub-total (435 Extension Revolving Fund Total, Extension $435 Grand Total $1 103 568 1 $ 34 741 $220 748 1 3 713 38 1 340 2 660 31 1 269 61 921 249 925) (103035) (538 8 000 8 9 2 T $111 035 $546 975 $369 546 $1 473 Unused balances may be transferred to expense and equipment by the Director. "Subject to receipt of the entire amount from the U. S. Government. •See Minutes, page 652, for special action.