Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
936] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 673 Salary 2. F. E. Schooley, Assistant to Director of Radio Station and Assistant to Director of Public Information... (See Public Information (See Journalism (Total salary 3. Mrs. Juanita Gates, Stenographer (C. S.) (See Public Information (Total salary 4. W. E. Phillips, Radio Station Technician (C. S.) 5. A. E. Cohen, Musical Director in Radio Station (See School of Music (Total salary 6 , Assistant (C. S.) (See Public Information (Total salary Sub-total, Salaries 7. Wages Total, Radio Station ALUMNI RECORDS DG30 DG45 EG25 G50 G50 EG35 EG65 G50 G50 H 905 1 125) 570) 2 600) 660 660) I 320) 2 080 59" I 210) I 800) 800 800) I 600) (6 318) 2 887 $ 9 205 $ 2 I 4 2 3 I 1 I I (10 725 800) 525) 419 720) 139) 440 300 250 375 509) 840 1. Carl Stephens, Director of Alumni Relations (C. S.) (Paid by Alumni Association (Total salary 2. Gleyn Goodwine, Alumni Recorder (C. S.) (Paid by Alumni Association (Total salary 3. Mrs. Ramona L. Walker, Junior Accountant (C. S.) 4. Christine F. Aden, Clerk and Typist (C. S.) 5. Ellen Ryniker, Editorial Assistant (C. S.) 6. R. K. Lumsden, Clerk (C. S.) Sub-total, Salaries 7. Wages Total, Alumni Records COMMUNITY ADVISER H $ 1 1 349 $ I 935 1. R. E. Hieronymus, Community Adviser, Emeritus BUREAU OF INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH i. C. R. Griffith, Director of the Bureau of Institutional Research DG50 $ (See College of Education AG50 (Total salary 2. A. H. Winakor, Statistician DG50 (See Bureau of Business Research DG50 (Total salary 3. Vera Whitted, Research Assistant D 4. Genevieve Vencill, Clerk (C. S.) 5. Lydia Hansen, Stenographer (C. S.) Sub-total, Salaries 6. Wages H Total, Bureau of Institutional Research $ MCKINLEY HOSPITAL 2 2 S I I 2 I 1 1 (7 500 500) 000) 337 338) 675) 200 300 260 597) 500 8 097 1. Kate M. Putnam, Superintendent of McKJnley Hospital (C.S.) 2. Mrs. Aline Erickson, Dietition (C. S.) E $ 2 44° 900 'With nraintenance, including living quarters, board, and laundry, while hospital is in operation.