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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
668 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 27 BOARD OF T R U S T E E S Salary 1. H. E. Cunningham, Secretary Board of Trustees DG17 $ 895 (Director of the University Press and Information Office, i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DG83 4 105) (Total s a l a r y . . . : 5 000) Sub-total, Salaries ( 895) 2, Wages H 625 Total, Board of Trustees 1. 2. $ 1 520 PRESIDENT'S OFFICE A. C. Willard, President A $ 15 ooo1 David Kinley, President and Professor of Economics, Emeritus 3 000 (See Economics 3 000) (Total salary 6 000) A. H. Daniels, Acting President and Professor of P h i losophy, Emeritus I 954 (See Philosophy 3 000) (Total salary 4 954) A. J. H a r n o , Provost DG10 850 (See College of Law 7 650) (Total salary 8 500) A. J. Janata, Assistant to the President D 5 750 H, B. Johnston, Executive Secretary (C. S.) 4 313 A. R. Lee, Chief Clerk (C. S.) I 900 , Stenographer (C. S.) I 500 Mrs. Marie E. Bierfeldt, Stenographer (C. S.) 1 342 Sub-total, Salaries (35 609) Wages H 2 100 Total, President's Office UNIVERSITY C O U N S E L 1. Sveinbjorn Johnson, University Counsel Professor of Law 2. Naomi Fleming, Secretary (C. S.) Total, University Counsel BUSINESS OFFICE, URBANA ( T h e divisions into which this budget is divided are for administrative convenience only.) General 1. Lloyd Morey, Comptroller D $ 8 500 Professor of Accountancy A 2. Arthur Lincicome, Auditor and Assistant to the Comptroller (C. S.) 3600 3. S. C. Smith, Assistant Auditor (C. S.) 2 45° 4. Merle M. Rhoads, Chief Clerk (C. S.) 1 828 5. Gladys L. Paul, Stenographer (C. S.) 1 342 6. , Junior Accountant (C. S.) G50 600 Accounting Division 7. C. H. Pratt, Chief Accountant (C. S.) 8. L. M. Dahlenburg, Assistant Chief Accountant (C. S.) . . . 9. C. C. DeLong, Senior Accountant (C. S.) (See Accountancy Fund (Total salary •With house and automobile. 4 1°° 2 500 I 600 200) I 800) D A $ 37 7°9 $ 8 500 I 450 $ 9 950 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. G89 Gil
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