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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

6so BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 27 floor of the east unit of the building. T h e total cost of the partitions and corridor walls on this floor will be $5,650, the difference between this and the original assignment being due to the fact that when this improvement was requested there was not sufficient time to plan and estimate the improvement accurately, because of the change in type of construction proposed, and finally because of additions to the work originally contemplated. There is a possibility that the firm which has been doing the binding for the University for several years will establish a branch bindery in ChampaignUrbana, in which case the University would not need to purchase binding equipment. In view of this the Director of the Library does not believe we should purchase the equipment at this time and requests that a part of the funds thus released be made available for the completion of the partitions. I therefore recommend that the assignment of $6,200 for the bindery be lapsed into the General Reserve Fund, that an additional assignment of $2,650 be made from that fund for the partitions, and that the Physical Plant Department be authorized to proceed with this work. On motion of Mr. Mayer, these recommendations were adopted, and the appropriation was made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Barr, Mr. Barrett, Mrs. Freeman, Mr. Karraker, Mr. Mayer, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Wieland, Mr. Williams; no, none; absent, Mr. Horner, Mrs. Plumb, Mr. Pogue. APPROPRIATION FOR BUSINESS OFFICE EQUIPMENT (8) Last year the Business Office requested a special appropriation of $2,250 for the purchase of bookkeeping and other machines to replace equipment which has become obsolete or worn out. T h e Committee on Special Appropriations and Non-Recurring Expenditures recommended approval of this request on October 22, 1935. At the meeting of the Board on February 22, 1936, I recommended an assignment of $1,050 from the General Reserve Fund for the purchase of a part of the equipment needed, with the expectation that the request for the balance would be reviewed at a later date. In the meantime it has developed that two other machines are giving serious trouble and will need to be repaired or replaced. The Company has been shown that the University has not had satisfactory service or life from these machines and it is prepared to make a concession on replacement. T h e Committee on Special Appropriations and NonRecurring Expenditures has reviewed the situation and now recommends that an additional assignment of $2,000 be made from the General Reserve Fund for this purpose. I concur in this recommendation. On motion of Mr. Williams, this appropriation was made, by "the following vote: Aye, Mr. Barr, Mr. Barrett, Mrs. Freeman, Mr. Karraker, Mr. Mayer, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Wieland, Mr. Williams; no, none; absent, Mr. Horner, Mrs. Plumb, Mr. Pogue. APPROPRIATION FOR REGISTRATION BOOTHS (9) The Committee on Special Appropriations and Non-recurring Expenditures has considered a suggestion that facilities be provided for the collection of fees during the regular registration days in the Library, where there is more room for this purpose, instead of in the Administration Building. T h e portable booths constructed by the Physical Plant Department a number of years ago for use in the Administration Building on registration days must soon be replaced, in any case. It would be an advantage to all concerned if this work could be done in the Library. This equipment should be built during the summer, in order to be available in September. I therefore recommend that an appropriation of $750 be made from the General Reserve Fund for this purpose. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this appropriation was made, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Barr, Mr. Barrett, Mrs. Freeman, Mr.
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