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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i93 6 l UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 635 per minute, a refrigerating capacity of 14 tons, and a heating capacity of approximately 300,000 B.t.u. per h o u r ) from the Midwest Engineering and Equipment Company, the low bidder, at a price of $5,520. Funds are available in the budget of the College of Engineering for this purpose. By separate motions for the several items, these purchases were authorized as recommended. PURCHASES AUTHORIZED (36) A report of the following purchases authorized by the President (under the authorization of the Board, July 26, 1935, Minutes, page 367) : 1. Steel shelving for Physical Plant Storeroom from the Lyon Metal Products, Incorporated, Aurora, Illinois, at a total price of $2,877.44 on the basis of competitive quotations, quality and workmanship of the equipment, as well as price, being considered. 2. Two sets of foreign journals for the University Library from N. V. Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, at a total cost of $1,132.00. 3. Telephone cable for new telephone system from the General Cable Company at a price of $1,336.91, f.o.b. Urbana. On motion of Mrs. Freeman, the action of the President in authorizing these purchases was confirmed. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (37) T h e following report from the Comptroller of contracts executed since the last report: CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE COMPTROLLER MARCH 7, 1936, TO APRIL 13, 1936 Contract for the purchase of coal, as awarded by Board of Trustees in meeting of December 18, 1935 (Minutes, page 493). With Whom Crerar-CUnch Coal Company For 400 tons of coal at £4.89 per ton for College of Pharmacy and 500 tons at $5.04 per ton for College of Dentistry. Date December 27, Renewal of lease originally authorized by Board of Trustees in meeting of June 6, 1933 (Minutes, page 229), and reconfirmed in meeting of February 9, 1935 (Minutes, page 113). With Whom Etta L. Percival Lease to 40 acres of land adjoining the University farm. Amount to be paid by the University 5i of all crops produced. Date February 20, ro36 This report was received for record. SECRETARY'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (38) T h e Secretary presents the following report of contracts executed by the President and the Secretary of the Board and deposited with the Secretary, since the last report. Name American Automatic Electric Sales Company of Chicago Haughton Elevator & Machine Company Date February 28, 1936 January 23, 1936 Amount $34 200 Purpose Installation of telephone exchange equipment. Elevator Equipment Work, Medical and Dental College Building, to be erected at the southwest corner of Polk and Wood Streets, Chicago, Illinois. Electric Wiring Work, Medical and Dental College Building, to be erected at the southwest corner of Polkand Wood Streets, Chicago, Illinois. 353 700 Divane Bros. January 9, 1936 36a 975 This report was received for record.
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