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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
6l2 BOAED OF TRUSTEES [ A p r i l 18 Resolved, That the President of the Board of Trustees be authorized to delegate to C. C. DeLong the signing of his name as President of the Board of Trustees to vouchers to be presented to the State Auditor, approved in accordance with the regulations of the Board, this authorization to be in addition to authorizations made in the resolution adopted by the Board on March 10, 1936. On motion of Mr. Wieland, this resolution was adopted. At this point, Mr. Barr took his place with the Board. TRANSFER OF UNUSED BALANCES IN 1 9 3 5 - 1 9 3 6 BUDGET TO GENERAL RESERVE F U N D (10) A report that additional unused balances in the 1935-1936 salaries budget totaling $8,009 have been lapsed into the General Reserve Fund. A list of these balances is hereby given to the Secretary of the Board for record. This report w a s received for record. ADJUSTMENTS IN THE BUDGET (11) A report of the following adjustments in the budget made by the President of the University during the fiscal quarter ending March 31, 1936, in accordance with the authorization of the Board, and for which assignments should be made from the General Reserve Fund. A similar report was made at the January meeting of the Board of adjustments during the second fiscal quarter ending December 31, 1935. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS M A D E BY THE PRESIDENT QUARTER E N D E D M A R C H 31, 1936 Permanent additions to current budget: Zoology, salaries (minor rate adjustment) $ 25 00 Business Organization and Operation, salaries (part time of H. M. Edwards) 150 oo 1 University Extension, salaries (X time of Mr. H u s t o n ) . . . . 208 oo 2 University Extension, expense (new equipment) 290 00 Temporary additions to current budget (present year only, additional part-time assistants): Botany, salaries 900 00 Chemistry, salaries 1 625 00 English, salaries 1 752 00 Mathematics, salaries 180 OO Home Economics, salaries 444 00 Journalism, salaries 375 OO Medicine, salaries 390 00 Total additions $673 00 5 666 00 ?6 339 00 On motion of Mr. Barrett, this action was confirmed, and the appropriation was made from the General Reserve Fund, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Barr, Mr. Barrett, Mrs. Freeman, Mr. Karraker, Mr. Mayer, Mrs. Plumb, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Wieland, Mr. Williams ; no, none; absent, Mr. Horner, Dr. Meyer. APPROPRIATION FOR POLK STREET PROPERTY (12) On February 22, 1936 (Minutes, page 540), the Board authorized the purchase of the property at 1750 West Polk Street at an estimated cost of $8,500, and an appropriation of $3,000 was made to apply on the purchase price. In endeavoring to conclude the purchase of this property the Comptroller reports that complications relating to the settlement of a delinquent first mortgage and delinquent taxes have developed with the result that the only 'Reported to Board of Trustees February 22, 1036 (Minutes, page 549), but no appropriation made. "Reported to Board of Trustees January 24, 1036 (Minutes, page 523), but no appropriation made.
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