Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
6o BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 12 DISPOSAL OF EXHIBITS AT CENTURY OF PROGRESS (25) A letter from Director P. L. Windsor of the University Library concerning the disposal of exhibits prepared by the University for the Century of Progress Exhibition. On motion of M r . Trees, this m a t t e r was referred to the President of the University for investigation and report. KINCAID MOUNDS AT METROPOLIS (26) A letter from Professor Cole, of the University of Chicago, concerning the possible purchase by the University of land near Metropolis, Illinois, containing important Indian mounds. T h i s m a t t e r was referred to M r . K a r r a k e r for investigation and report. INVESTMENT OF E N D O W M E N T FUNDS M r . Trees, for the Finance Committee, reported the investment of $35,000 of endowment funds, as authorized by the Board on September 11, 1934 (Minutes, page 3 2 ) , as follows: Jacob Buss First farm mortgage, 5%, due 1939 $ 6 000 Commonwealth Edison Company 1st 5%, 1953 @ 105 5 000 American Smelting and Refining Company 1st 5%, 1047 @ 102J4 General Petroleum Corporation 1st 5%, 1040 @ iosVi 10 000 U.S. Treasury 3% Notes March 15, 1938 @ 102J4 10 000 On motion of M r . Barrett, the Finance Committee was instructed to continue its efforts to invest this fund, and to report its progress to the Board. TUITION FEES AND SCHOLARSHIPS M r . Barrett, for the special committee to consider tuition fees and scholarships made a report of progress. On motion of M r . BaiTett, the President of the University was requested to make a further study of this matter and to report to the special committee, which w a s continued. IMPROVEMENT OF GREEN STREET : 4 000 M r . K a r r a k e r , for the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, recommended that stop lights be installed at the junctions of Green Street with W r i g h t Street a n d M a t h e w s Avenue as already provided, and that no action be taken to change the lines of the curbing, and that the Committee continue its study of this matter. On motion of M r . K a r r a k e r , these recommendations were adopted. M r . Barrett requested that he be recorded as voting " N o . " On motion of M r . Trees, minor changes in the curbing at the junctions of Burill A v e n u e and the P o w e r Plant alley with Green Street were authorized. APPROPRIATION FOR COOK COUNTY EXPERIMENT STATION On motion of M r . Barrett, the action of the B o a r d taken earlier in this meeting (page 49) appropriating $2,064.02 to the Cook County E x p e r i ment Station, was reconsidered.