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568 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [March 10 in affiliated institutions in the medical group in Chicago. The only lecture course included at present in this group of courses is Course No._ 90 (Lectures and Conferences) in Juvenile Behavior. The Dean is of the opinion that the only persons on the staffs mentioned who would be interested are the internes who are receiving no salary and they in his opinion should be permitted to attend these lectures without charge. The proposal has been reviewed by the Faculty Committee on Fees and Scholarships, which recommends its approval. On motion of M r . Barr, this waiver was authorized. FEES FOR N E W COURSES IN COLLEGES OF MEDICINE A N D DENTISTRY (23) A recommendation from the Dean of the College of Medicine that the following special courses for physicians, together with the fee designated for each course, be authorized: JUVENILE BEHAVIOR 90. Lectures and Conferences.—The treatment of behavior problems in children is properly a function of the pediatrician and the general practitioner. This course is designed to meet the needs of the physician in the recognition and treatment of such problems. The course will consist of an organized program of case presentations followed by discussions, dealing with behavior disorders as a symptom of organic disease, the recognition and management of mental deficiency, problems of habit training (bed wetting, anorexia, etc.), behavior disorders due to unhealthy parent-child relationships, and delinquency. Eight evening meetings. Hours to be arranged. Fee, $10.00. 90a. Clinical Course.—Prerequisite: Course 00. (Note: Course 90 may be taken concurrently with 90a.) Analysis and treatment of behavior problems in children under supervision in the clinic of the Institute for Juvenile Research. Duration, four months. Six hours weekly to be arranged. Fee, $40.00. MEDICAL ILLUSTRATION 90. Medical Illustration.—Offered for artists who desire to make a profession of scientific illustration in the field of medicine. _ The length of the courses is two years, and students will work in the illustration studios with the staff artists. Instruction covers the various phases of illustrative work for publication and teaching^ in anatomy, pathology, surgery, etc., in different media as well as the preparation of scientific and lay exhibits. Students in this course will take the regular medical course in gross anatomy. Candidates for the course must present evidence of thorough general art training as well as scholastic and character credentials. Except in unusual cases applications must be made in person. Class limited to 6 students. Hours 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Fee for each semester, $50.00 plus laboratory fees in any medical courses taken. OPHTHALMOLOGY 91. Pathology of the Eye.—(Four months.) Hours to be arranged. I or II. Associate Professor Beard. The fee for each period of four months is $50.00 On motion of Mr. Barr, these courses and fees were authorized. CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES (24) At the last meeting of the Board the Comptroller was requested to submit information concerning employees of a Civil Service character. He has submitted a table indicating how many are subject to Civil Service and of those who are subject, how many have been appointed from approved lists and how many have been appointed by the University subject to examination. There are 927 employees engaged in work which would come under Civil Service classifications. Of this number, 892 are in positions which are subject to the State Civil Service Commission, and 35, or 3.8 per cent, are in positions which are paid from Federal or other non-State funds, or which are specifically exempted from Civil Service by the State law (for example, secretaries to deans).