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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

552 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Vanneman, Mary Elizabeth, Extension Specialist in Junior Club W o r k in the Extension Service in Agriculture and H o m e Economics, for seven months beginning February I, 1936, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred seventy-five dollars ($175) a month. (January 28, 1936) Whiteside, Eugene Perry, Assistant in Soil Physics and Soil Survey, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, for seven months beginning February I, 1936, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred fifteen dollars ninety-one cents ($115.91) a month. ( F e b r u a r y 3, 1936) Wills, Walter J., Assistant in Agricultural Economics, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, on one-half time, for seven months beginning February 1, 1936, at a cash compensation at the rate of sixty dollars ($60) a month. (February 3, 1936) . Wyatt, W. Judd, Assistant Extension Editor in the Extension Service in Agriculture and H o m e Economics, for six months beginning March 1, 1936, at a cash compensation at the rate of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) a month. (February 22, 1936) RESIGNATIONS The Secretary presented also for record the following list of resignations. Cohen, Jeannette L., Laboratory Assistant in H o m e Economics, in the College of Agriculture—resignation effective February 1, 1936. Garrigus, Wesley P., Assistant in Animal Husbandry, in the Agricultural Experiment Station—resignation effective January 15, 1936. Gulbrandsen, L a r s F., Instructor in Bacteriology and Public Health, in the College of Medicine—resignation effective February 1, 1936. Hill, Chesney, Instructor in Political Science—resignation effective February 1, 1936. Newmark, Mrs. Anne C, Clerk and Stenographer in the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics—resignation effective February 16, 1936. Quisenberry, John H., Assistant in Animal Genetics, in the Agricultural Experiment Station—resignation effective February 1, 1936. Segal, Melvin J., University Service Fellow in Economics—resignation effective February 1, 1936. Sparks, Mrs. Meredith, Assistant in Chemistry—resignation effective February 1, 1936. Sterrett, Robert R., Special Research Assistant in Chemistry—resignation effective March 1, 1936. Turrentine, Frazer R., Assistant in Physics—resignation effective February 1. 1936. Wolf, Mrs. Charlotte K., Technician in the Department of Ophthalmology, in the College of Medicine—resignation effective February 10, 1936. The Board adjourned. H. E. CUNNINGHAM WALTER W. WILLIAMS Secretary President
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