Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

490 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [December i8 C H A N G E IN STATUS OF DR. WILLIAM HABBERTON (12) A report of the change in status of Dr. William Habberton from Instructor in Education and Head of the Department of Social Studies in the University High School at a salary of $2,250 per year to Assistant Professor of Education in the College of Education and Head of the Department of Social Studies in the University High School at a salary of $3,200 per year, beginning February 1, 1936, and continuing until August 31, 1937. On motion of M r . Pogue, this action w a s confirmed. APPOINTMENT OF DR. N E I L E. STEVENS AS PROFESSOR OF P L A N T PATHOLOGY (13) A recommendation from the Department of Botany and the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences that Dr. Neil E. Stevens, Senior Pathologist in the Bureau of Plant Industry of the United States Department of Agriculture, be appointed Professor of Plant Pathology in the Department of Botany on indefinite tenure beginning February 1, 1936, at a salary of $5,300 per year. I concur in this recommendation. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this appointment was made. APPOINTMENT OF DR. H O W A R D W. ODUM AS VISITING PROFESSOR OF SOCIOLOGY (14) A recommendation from the Department of Sociology and the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences that Dr. Howard W. Odum, Professor of Sociology at the University of North Carolina, be appointed Visiting Professor of Sociology for the second semester of the present academic year, or for five months beginning February I, 1936, at a salary of $7,000 per year, or $3,500 for the period. Funds are available in the budget of the Department for this purpose. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this appointment was made. GRADUATION FROM T H E LIBRARY S C H O O L (15) The University- Senate has approved the following minor change in the requirements for graduation from the Library School, on recommendation of the faculty of that School: Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Library Science, who enter the Library School after June 1, 1936, must offer credit in at least 30 hours, with an average grade of "C," in professional courses in the Library School, or in other courses approved for this purpose by the faculty of the Library School. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this change was approved. MEDICAL PARK AT CHICAGO (16) At the meeting of the Board on November 27 the report was made of a bill introduced in the first special session of the 59th General Assembly for the creation of a Medical Park Authority in Chicago and that the University was asked to express itself on this legislation. The President of the University and the University Counsel were authorized to submit to the officers of "The Medical Park at Chicago" a statement expressing the University's views. This has been done, and I submit to the Secretary of the Board for record a copy of the letter, sent on December 4 to Dr. Bernard Fantus, President of "The Medical Park at Chicago." The President of "The Medical Park at Chicago" has replied that the bill has been revised in accordance with the suggestions made by the University, and a copy of his letter of December 13, 1935, is also submitted to the Secretary of the Board for record. This report was received for record. BIDS A N D QUOTATIONS ON COMPETITIVE ITEMS (17) At the meeting of the_ Board on November 1, when a report was being made of purchases of materials and payments for services authorized, the sug-