Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
48 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 12 MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT WILLARD The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. ADMISSION OF HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES W I T H SUPERIOR SCHOLARSHIP RECORDS ( i ) A recommendation from the University Senate that the exemption that the Registrar is now authorized to make in the case of graduates of accredited secondary schools who are in the upper ten per cent of their graduating classes (as approved by the Board June n, 1932, Minutes, page 605) be extended to include the upper twenty-five per cent, and that the regulation be revised to read as follows: " T h e Registrar is authorized to admit, without adhering to the usual subj ect requirements, graduates of accredited secondary schools whose general scholarship rank is in the upper twenty-five per cent of their graduating class. T h e student's rank is to be based on work completed in grades nine, ten, eleven, and twelve in the case of four-year high schools, and on work completed in grades ten, eleven, and twelve in the case of three-year senior high schools. Such graduates need present only such specific high-school courses as are prerequisite to University courses in the curriculum they desire to enter." On motion of Mr. Trees, this recommendation was adopted. CHANGE IN REQUIREMENT FOR BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN MEDICINE (2) T h e University Senate recommends the approval of the following recommendation of the faculty of the College of Medicine: " T h e Faculty of the College of Medicine has voted to change the requirement for the Bachelor of Science in Medicine in the following manner: Students who complete satisfactorily (pass) all of the required courses of the first two years in the College of Medicine and who pass the Comprehensive E x a m ination required at the end of the second year, will be eligible for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Medicine." On motion of Mr. Barrett, this recommendation was adopted. SCHOLASTIC REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION IN THE COLLEGE OF FINE A N D APPLIED ARTS (3) A recommendation from the University Senate that the following requirement for the bachelor's degree in the College of Fine and Applied Arts be adopted: "In order to receive a bachelor's degree from the College of Fine and Applied Arts, a student must have obtained in the courses prescribed or elected for the degree and taken at the University of Illinois as many grade-points as the credit hours total in such courses." On motion of Mr. Armstrong, this recommendation was adopted. APPROPRIATION FOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE (4) A recommendation that an appropriation of $900, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be made from the General Reserve Fund to the College of Medicine for laboratory materials and equipment for a special required laboratory course in diagnosis. This is the initial cost of providing for this w o r k ; in future years the annual cost should not exceed $200 and will be absorbed in the budget of the College of Medicine. On motion of Mr. Trees, this appropriation was made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Barrett, Mrs. Freeman, Mr. Karraker, Mr. Trees, Mr. Williams; no, none; absent, Mr. Barr, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Hopkins, Mr. Horner, Dr. Meyer.