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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

458 For Whom William S.Angell John W. Suddes Adona F. Booker Paul Satterneld Ralph W. Roth William Schwab, Jr.. . . . . Richard Hendrix James A. Eaton. Richard Hendrix Harold Krivan Wilbur S. Feagan John Loveless John Sutter William E. Myers Edwin Suycott Marguerite Remillard Charles W. B e a z l e y . . . . . . James A. Eaton Bernard H. Bradley Lawrence'Collins Ralph W. Roth Russell Nesbitt Vera Thomas Clarence Partee Irving Huggins Elwood Kendrick Sidney Shafer Hogan Barnes Knight Blanche Helen Thomas... John H. Heltsley John E. Richards John Zelle Dallas Price Eleanor Mielke William Gilliland Leighton Cropper Rather Brown Lewis McKeever Gayford Wills Robert Erd Jeanette Heimbaugh William Schwab, Jr Eugene Skeels Eugene Whalen John W. Suddes Ivan S. Baldridge BOARD OF TRUSTEES Instruction in Law Law Commerce L. A, & S Commerce L. A. & S L. A. & S Law L. A. & S F. & A. A Engineering Education Law Education Commerce L.A. &S Engineering Law F. & A. A L. A. & S Commerce Engineering Journalism Law Agriculture Law L. A. & S. ( P r e - M e d . ) . . . . . . L. A. & S. (Pre-Dental) Education Chemical Engineering Law Commerce Education Education Law Agriculture F. & A. A L. A. &S.. Education Commerce, L. A. & S,. L. A. & S Commercial Art Commerce Law Agriculture [November i Date July 17. 1935 July 18, 2 9 ^ July 18, 1935 July 18, i 9 3 5 July 18, 19^5 July r8, 19^ July 15. 1935 July 15. 1935 Aug. 12, 193^ Sept. 9, i 9 3 5 Sept. 9, 1935 Sept. 9,1935 Sept. 9, 1935 Sept. 9,1935 Sept. 13, 1935 Sept. 13, 1935 Sept. 23, 1935 Sept. 24, 1935 Sept. 25, 1935 Sept. 26, 1935 Sept. 27, 1935 Sept. 27, 1935 Sept. 11, 1935 Sept. 11, 193; Sept. 11, 1935 Sept. 23, 1935 Sept. 18, 1935 Sept. 11, 1935 Sept. 11, 1935 Sept. 13, 1935 Sept. 18, 1935 Sept. 12, 1935 Sept. 12, 1935 Sept. rz, 1935 Sept. 12, 1935 Sept. 12, 1935 Sept. 12, 1935 Sept. 12, 1935 Sept. 12, 1935 Sept. 12, 1935 Sept. 12, 1935 Sept. 12, 1935 Sept. 12, 1935 Sept. 12, 1935 Sept. 12, 1935 Sept. 11, 1935 Tenure Summer Session 1935 Summer Session 1935 Summer Session 1935 Summer Session 1935 Summer Session 193 5 Summer Session r93 5 Summer Session 193 5 Summer Session 1935 One year From Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. i8, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 193 5 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 193 5 One year from Sept, 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 193 5 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 193 5 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept, 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. (8, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One year from Sept. 18, 193 5 One year from Sept. 18, 1935 One semester from Sept. 18, 1935 One semester from Sept. 18, 1935 Cooperative agreements as authorized b y B o a r d o f T r u s t e e s i n m e e t i n g of July 26, 1935 (Minutes, page 365): Name Edible Gelatine Manufacturers Research Society of America Crop Protection Institute Amount to be received by the University £300.00 $z,800.00 Purpose Investigation of use of gelatine and vegetable stabilizers in manufacture of ice cream Investigation to study substituted phenols as nicotine s o l u b i l i z i n g agents in oil sprays and germicides as fungicides against plant disease Date August 3* r 9j5 July 15, 1935 Contract executed in accordance with the general regulations of the Board of Trustees, expenditures thereunder being authorized by the Board of Trustees, July 26, 1935 (Minutes, page 367) : With Whom Holder Hardware Co. Amount to be paid by the University £2,639.00 Purpose Alterations to terrace. Woman's Gymnasium Date August 2, I93S Agreement as awarded by Board of Trustees in meeting of July 26, 1935 (Minutes, page 368): With Whom United Military Stores A mount to be paid by the University £36.00 per uniform Purpose Purchase of R.O.T.C. uniforms Date August i, i93S
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