Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1935] UNIVEKSITY OF ILLINOIS 453 this land is now in the State of Illinois. The Director of the Department of Public Welfare approves of the transfer of title to the parcel of land on which the second unit of the medical building is to be erected, or, in fact, the entire site of the Research and Educational Hospital and the University buildings, if that is desirable, to the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. To accomplish this, enabling legislation will be necessary. I therefore recommend that the Board authorize the President of the University to secure the introduction and passage of a bill for this purpose in the first special session of the Fifty-Ninth General Assembly. The Governor's call for this session covers such legislation. On motion of Mr. Barr, this authority was granted. AUTHORIZATION OF LEGISLATION REAPPROPRIATING FEDERAL FUNDS (5) A request for authority to have a bill introduced in the first special session of the Fifty-Ninth General Assembly reappropriating to the University of Illinois such additional funds as will be paid by the Federal Government into the State Treasury for the biennium 1935-1937 to provide for research into basic laws and principles relating to agriculture and to provide for the further development of cooperative agricultural extension work and the more complete endowment and support of land-grant colleges under an Act of Congress approved June 29, : 935- The Governor's call for this session covers such legislation. It is estimated that this reappropriation will amount to $51,000 for the biennium. On motion of M r . Mayer, this authority w a s granted. BEQUEST OF WILLIAM R. BRADLEY (6) On October 13, 1933, the Board accepted a bequest of the late William R. Bradley of $5,000 for the benefit of the University of Illinois Band. At the request of Mrs. Helen Byers Bradley, executrix, the settlement of this bequest has been postponed from time to time because of the impossibility of realizing on certain securities in the estate, with permission to defer settlement until August, 1935. Since that period has passed, the Comptroller has taken the matter up again with Mrs. Bradley, and she requests a further extension of two years from August 1, 1935. She states that any amount which is realized on the securities will be turned over to the University when received by her. I recommend that this request be approved. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this extension was authorized. COOPERATION W I T H THE ILLINOIS EYE A N D EAR INFIRMARY FOR PROMOTION OF GRADUATE WORK IN THE MEDICAL SCIENCES (7) It has been proposed by officials of the Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary that a cooperative arrangement be entered into between that institution and the University of Illinois to promote graduate work in the medical sciences. This will involve the State Department of Public Welfare and the Research and Educational Hospital. The details of the plan have not yet been worked out, but in the meantime I request authority to negotiate with the parties concerned, with the understanding that any plan which may be mutually agreed upon will be subject to approval by the Board of Trustees. On motion of Mr. Barr, this authority was given. COMPTROLLER'S QUARTERLY REPORT (8) The quarterly report of the Comptroller to the Board of Trustees as of September 30, 1935. This report was referred to the Finance Committee for consideration and report. The Board adjourned to meet at the Blackstone Hotel, in Chicago, at one o'clock p.m. on Friday, November i, 1935.