Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
448 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 25 time to revise the plans due to the advanced date for submitting applications. "When Governor Horner was requested to include in his call for a special session a request for an appropriation for $825,000 for the State's share he indicated that he would be willing to approve an appropriation of $300,000 provided the Public Works Administration would give evidence of its interest in the matter for its share. "The Public Works Administration has indicated its interest in this project as being a very desirable one and as one that meets their essential requirements, but since the Governor would not be willing to request more than $300,000 from the State Legislature it was evident to the Public Works Administration that there would have to be a radical revision of the plans and sketches. On this account they could not include the project in their active list but would include it in their substitute list. It therefore has seemed apparent that revised plans will have to be drawn and it is desirable that these should be prepared as soon as possible. "The University Board of Trustees has now allotted ground for this building and it is desirable that these plans should be prepared with respect to this site and include a heating plant, as specified in President Willard's letter of August 1st." This report was received for record. HEADSHIP OF T H E DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY (17) A supplementary report concerning the headship of the Department of Surgery. D r . Julius H. Hess and D r . H. A. McGuigan, who were introduced at this time, made statements concerning this matter. T h e report of progress was accepted and the committee was requested to continue its work. APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL F U N D S FOR JOURNALISM BUILDING (18) A request for a hearing of representatives of the Illinois Press Association on their proposal to obtain a grant of $350,000 of Federal funds for the erection and equipment of a building for the School of Journalism. This request was granted, and the members of the Building Committee, the Committee of Past Presidents, and other representatives of the Association, were introduced. Mr. J. E. McClure presented the request of the Association. On motion of Mr. Barrett, the Board of Trustees voted to act as sponsor of the project for securing a grant of 100 per cent ($350,000) from Federal funds for the erection and equipment of a building for the School of Journalism. OPTIONAL UNIVERSITY ROUTE ON GREEN STREET (19) A request for a hearing from representatives of the chambers of commerce and the city administrations of Champaign and Urbana, to present the matter of an optional "University Route" on Green Street. This request was granted, and Mr. Ray C. Sparks, Mr. W. Lloyd Keepers, Mr. Floyde D. Sperry, and Mr. Lyle H. Gallivan were introduced. Mr. Sparks presented the matter. On motion of Mrs. Plumb, this matter was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for consideration and report. At this point, Dr. Meyer withdrew. IMPROVEMENT OF BONEYARD (20) At its meeting on September 28, 1935 (Minutes, page 400), the Board voted to accept the University's proportion of the expense of the improvement of the Boneyard as a Works Progress Administration project. The City 01 Champaign as one of the sponsors of this project has submitted the following