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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1934] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 41 September I, 1934, at a cash compensation of one thousand two hundred dollars ($1200). (July 24. 1934) Gallati, Cyril M., Student Anesthetist in Surgery, in the College of Medicine, for ten months beginning September I, 1934, at a cash compensation of two hundred twenty-eight dollars ($228). (September 15, 1934) Gower, William Carl, Assistant in Zoology, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1934, at a cash compensation of five hundred seventy dollars ($570). (August 29, 1934) Greer, Agnes Fulton Philpot, Instructor in the Library School, for the semester beginning September 17, 1934, and continuing until January 30, 1935, at a cash compensation of one thousand two hundred dollars ($1200). (September 20, 1934) Gustafson, Carl Julius, Instructor in Bacteriology, in the Department of Pathology, Bacteriology, and Public Health, in the College of Medicine, for one year beginning September 1, 1934, without salary- (July 30, 1934) Hagan, Charles Banner, Assistant in Political Science, for ten months beginning September 1, 1934, at a cash compensation of one thousand two hundred dollars ($1200). (August 6, 1934) Hall, Benjamin Vincent, Instructor in Zoology, for ten months beginning September 1, 1934, at a cash compensation of one thousand six hundred thirty dollars ($1630). (July 17, 1934) Harris, John Joseph, Resident in Pathology, in the Department of Pathology, Bacteriology, and Public Health, in the College of Medicine, for one year beginning September 1, 1934, at a cash compensation of five hundred seventy dollars ($570) (plus maintenance, including board, room, and laundry, furnished by the State Department of Public Welfare). (September 15, 1934) Hart, Lillian, Secretary to the Dean of the College of Education, on nine-tenths time, and Secretary to the Director of the Summer Session, on one-tenth time, for one year beginning September 1, 1934, at a cash compensation of two thousand dollars ($2000) (this supersedes her previous appointment). (July 10, 1934) Hartsook, John, Assistant in Romance Languages, on one-fourth time, for ten months beginning September I, 1934, at a cash compensation of two hundred eightyfive dollars ($285). (September 13, 1934) Hatch, Mary, Stenographer in the Registrar's Office, beginning August 12, 1934, and continuing until September I, 1935, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation of one thousand one hundred twenty dollars ($1120) a year (this supersedes her previous appointment). (August 1, 1934) Hay, Ralph C, Extension Specialist in Agricultural Engineering, in the Agricultural Extension Service, for one year beginning September I, 1934, at a cash compensation of one thousand six hundred dollars (J1600) (this supersedes his previous appointment). (August 17, 1934) Hibbert, George Fielding, Instructor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, in the College of Medicine, for one year beginning September 1, 1934, without salary. (September 15, 1934) Hill, Dorothy, Student Cataloger in the Library, on two-thirds time, for one year beginning September 1, 1934, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation of nine hundred eighteen dollars ($918) (this supersedes her previous appointment). (July 25, 1934) Howe, Gertrude E., University Senior Stenographer in the Department of Internal Medicine, in the College of Medicine, for one year beginning September I, 1934, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation of one thousand two hundred dollars ($1200). (September 17, 1934) Holl, William B., Assistant in Reed Instruments, in the School of Music, on onehalf time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1934, at a cash compensation of five hundred dollars (5500). (September 20, 1934). Huff, Gerald Boone, Assistant in Physical Education for Men, on one-fourth time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1934, at a cash compensation of three hundred eighty dollars (J8380) (this appointment is in addition to his appointment as Assistant in Mathematics). (September 20, 1934) Inman, B. T., Assistant in F a r m Management, in the Department of Agricultural Economics, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, for ten months beginning September I, 1934, at a cash compensation of five hundred seventy dollars ($570). (July 12, 1934)
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