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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 341 Salary 1 coo1 800* 6001 128 860 860) 1 720) 1 396 (24 322) 766 $25088 1 j. — , Assistant and Senior Resident D 14. , Assistant and First Junior Resident D 15. , Assistant and Second Junior R e s i d e n t . . . D 16. M. L. Parker, Assistant (Payable $64 each s e m e s t e r ) . . . EG10 17. L. J. Rossiter, Technician DG50 (Technician in Obstetrics and Gynecology DG50 (Total salary 18. Annabel Wheeler, University Senior Typist (C. S.) Sub-total, Salaries 19. Wages •H Total, Surgery 1. 2. 3. 4. Medical and Dental Illustration T. S. Jones, Chief Artist and Associate Professor DG75 $ 3 600 Marion L. Mason, Artist DG75 1 990 L. A. Toriello, Photographer D 2 260 Mrs. Nellie M. Frain, Artist in Dental Illustration (See Oral and Plastic Surgery and Oral Pathology) DGso 1 450 Total, Medical and Dental Illustration Drug Room $ 9 300 (Revolving Stores Account) 1. S. W. Morrison, Pharmacist (Associate in Pharmacy (Total salary 2. R. L. Carter, Assistant Pharmacist j. W. R. Collins, Assistant Pharmacist (Assistant in Pharmacy (Total salary Total, Drug Room DGso $ 1 581 DG50 I 582) 3 163) D 1 360 DG50 950 DGso 950) 1 000) $ 3 891 'Plus maintenance (including room, board, and laundry) furnished by State Department of Public Welfare.
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