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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
19351 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 339 Salary i 450 6001 (18 738) 1900 (20 638) 5 140 1 600) 6 740) 2980 2 000 1 600 1 450 720 (13 890) 550 (14 440) $ 35 078 11. Mildred Rosenberg, University (C. S.) 12. P. L. Bedinger, Resident Sub-total, Pathology, Salaries 13. Wages Total, Pathology Junior Stenographer D H Bacteriology and Public Health 1. Lloyd Arnold, Professor (Paid by State Department of Public Health (Total salary 2. A. J. Nedzel, Associate Professor 3. L. F. Gulbrandsen, Instructor 4. S. G. Moore, Technician 5. Mrs. Hilda Paulsen, Technician 6. Mrs. Gertrude Strand, Laborer (C. S.) Sub-total, Bacteriology and Public Health, Salaries.. 7. Wages Total, Bacteriology and Public Health Total, Pathology, Bacteriology, and Public Health... Pediatrics 1. J. H. Hess, Professor and Head of Department ( W i t h out salary) 2. H. G. Poncher, Associate Professor 3. I. P. Bronstein, Associate 4. Helen Woodward, Research Assistant 5. , Resident 6. Mrs. Edna Loos, University Senior Stenographer (C. S.) Total, Pediatrics AG80 DG20 D D D D H A B D D H $ 4000 2 620 1 585 6oo l I 200 $ 10 005 Pharmacology, Materia Medica, and Therapeutics H. A. McGuigan, Professor and Head of Department Bernard Fantus, Professor of Therapeutics W. J. R. Camp, Professor P. L. Ewing, Associate Josephine M. Dyniewicz, Assistant J. A. Higgins, Assistant L. S. Helfrich, Assistant , Technician LaVerne Masterson, University Laboratory Helper (C.S.) Sub-total, Salaries 10. Wages Total, Pharmacology, peutics Materia Medica, and Thera$ 18 620 1. 2. 3. 4. 56. 7. 8. 9. A $ 6 400 DG20 600 A 4 300 D 2210 DG50 630 DG67 I 080 D 1 260 DG50 600 1 450 (18 530) 90 H Physiological Chemistry 1. 2. 34W. H. Welker, Professor and Head of Department Olaf Bergeim, Associate Professor A. G. Cole, Assistant Professor C. A. Johnson, Associate A $ 5 560 A 3 600 D 2800 DG50 1 180 1 Plus maiatenaace (includiag room, board, and laundry) furnished by State Department of Public Welfare.
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