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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

334 BOABD OF TRUSTEES [ J u t y 26 Salary 7 660 2 100 2 4 I 2 100) 200) 800 500 Administration i. D. J. Davis, Dean Professor of Pathology and H e a d of Department of Pathology, Bacteriology and Public Health 2. G. R. Moon, Assistant to the Dean (Examiner and Recorder, Chicago Professional Schools (C. S.) See Registrar's Office, C h i c a g o . . . . (Total salary 3. Dorothy Davison, Secretary to the Dean ( E x e m p t ) 4. William Henry Browne, Retired 5. Mrs. Ethel Engeljohn, University Junior Registration Clerk ( C . S . ) (See Registrar's Office, Chicago (Total salary 6. E. D. Brothers, Retired 7. Walter Smith, Supply Attendant (C. S.) Sub-total, Salaries 8. Wages Total, Administration B A G50 G50 D G67 G33 $ H I 147 573) I 720) 147 1 528 (16 882) 30 $ 16 912 Health Service—Chicago Departments 1. W. W. Dalitsch, Health Officer DG33 $ I 619 (Associate in Medicine, 9 months from Sept. 1, 1935 FG12 381) (Total salary 2 000) Sub-total, Salaries (1 619) 2. Wages H 150 Total, Health Service—Chicago Departments Anaesthesia 1. Robbie N. Brunner, Associate 2. Mary S. Sim, Assistant Anaesthetist 3. , Student Anaesthetist 4. f Resident Sub-total, Salaries 5. Wages Total, Anaesthesia Animal Hospital ( 1. J. E. Millizen, Supervisor (Business Agent ( C . S . ) See Business Office, Chicago 2. J. H. Bone, Technician in Charge 3. G S. Greshiw, Laboratory Helper (C. S.) 4. F. Stashak, Laborer (C. S.) 5. W. R. Williams, Technician Total, Animal Hospital Anatomy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. O. F. Kampmeier, Professor and H e a d of D e p a r t m e n t . . A $ A. A. Zimmermann, Associate Professor D A. R. Cooper, Associate Professor DG75 G. von Bonin, Assistant Professor D Yngve Joranson, Assistant Professor DG33 R. L. Webb, Assistant Professor D 5 3 3 3 1 2 560 500 100 100 200 000 $ 1 769 D $ 3 163 D 1 720 HG20 228 D 6001 (5 711) H 50 $ 5 761 D ) D D $ 1 I I 1 700 200 375 265 $ 5 540 ipius maintenance (including room, board, and laundry) furnished by State Department of Public Welfare.
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