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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

332 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 26 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. E. W. Kistenmacher, Inventory Clerk, R.O.T.C. (C. S.) Mrs. Jennie L. McWilliams, Secretary (C. S.) M a r i e Doyle, Stenographer (C. S.) Mrs. Frances L. Brockway, Clerk (C. S.) Helen Byland, Typist (C. S.) Total, Military MILITARY BANDS Summary Salaries Other and Wages Expense $11 965 $1 450 I 350 ?II965 $2800 Total $13 415 1 350 $14765 Salary 3 849 I 711) 5 560) 1 676 1 304) 2 980) 200 1 540 $ 8326 Military Bands Military Bands Revolving Fund Total 1. A. A. Harding, Director (See School of Music (Total salary 2. M. H. Hindsley, Assistant Director (See School of Music (Total salary 3. G. T. Overgard, Assistant 4. Mrs. Vclma I. Roberts, Secretary (C. S.) 5. Student assistantships for bandsmen (amount of term fees) and services of other essential bandsmen during Commencement week. (This represents the refund of fees paid by students at the beginning of semesters.) Sub-total, Salaries 6. Wages of student assistants (Librarians, copyists, and other helpers) Total, Military Bands SUMMER SESSION 1. E. H. Cameron, Director (Professor of Education (Total salary 2. Lillian H a r t , Executive Clerk ( E x e m p t ) (See Education (Total salary 3. Academic salaries 4. High School salaries Sub-total, Salaries 5. Wages Total, Summer Session AG67 $ AG33 DG50 DG50 EG10 4 000 (11 265) H 700 $ 11 965 DG10 $ AG90 DG10 DG90 H 672 5 980) 6 652) 378 t 822) 2 200) 94 450 1 000 (96 500) 500 $ 97 000 ^ h e s e men are members of the United States Army and receive in addition salary from the United States Government.
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