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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 323 Salary 3070 2 530 1 320 967 1 018 31 200 18 800) 2 000) 20 000) 72 000) 500 (44 395) 39. Mary L. Chase, Assistant State Leader and Associate ( E ) , H o m e Economics Extension 40. Katharine Patterson, Assistant State Leader, H o m e Economics Extension ( E ) 41. Mrs. Neva B. Klockner, Stenographer and Clerk 42 1 Stenographer 43. Mrs. Frances W. Kennedy, Stenographer 44. County H o m e Advisers: 24 @ $1,300 per year (From Capper-Ketcham Fund ( F r o m F.C.D. Fund, U.S.D.A.* (From State Appropriation' (Total all funds": 40 @ $1,800 per year 45. Wages Sub-total, Home Advisers D D D D D H Home Economics: Child Development and Parent Education 46. Edna E. Walls, Assistant Professor ( C & E ) , Child Development and Parent Education DG82 (See H o m e Economics DG18 (Total salary Home Economics: Clothing 47. Edna R. Gray, Associate ( E ) , Clothing Extension Home Economics: Foods and Nutrition 48. Grace B. Armstrong, Assistant Professor ( E ) , Foods and Nutrition Extension 49. Glenna A. Henderson, Extension Specialist in Foods ( E ) Sub-total, Foods and Nutrition D 2 603 557) 3 160) 2 710 D D 2 800 2 080 (4 880) Home Economics: Health Education 50. Fannie M. Brooks, Assistant Professor ( C & E ) , Health Education DG92 (See Home Economics DG08 (Total salary Home 51. • Economics: tension Home Furnishings , Associate ( E ) , H o m e Furnishings E x D 2 748 232) 2 980) 2225 Home Economics: Home Management 52. Gladys J. W a r d , Associate ( E ) , H o m e Management E x tension D 53. Mrs. Ruth C. Freeman, Associate ( E & S ) , H o m e Accounts DG55 (See Purnell Fund DG45 (Total salary Sub-total, Home Management Home Economics: Junior Club Work (Girls' 4-H Club Work) 54- Mary A. McKee, Extension Specialist in Junior Club Work (E) D a 2710 1 045 855) I 900) (3 755) 2800 The Farmers' Cooperative Demonstration Fund for the fiscal year July i, 1935, to July 1, 1936, will be paid directly to the home advisers through the Agricultural Extension Service by the United States Department of Agriculture following monthly certification tor salary signed by the Director of Extension. •The State Appropriation for the fiscal year July 1, 1935, to July 1, 1936, will be paid by the State Department of Agriculture on the salary of the county home advisers following monthly certification for salary signed by the Director of Extension. "The county home advisers also receive additional salary from local Home Bureaus.
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