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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 317 Salary 10. Fannie M. Brooks, Assistant Professor ( E & C ) , Health Education (See Smith-Lever Fund (Total salary 11. Paulena Nickell, Assistant Professor ( C ) , H o m e Management 12. Virginia H. Weaver, Assistant Professor (C) 13. Mary C. Whitlock, Assistant Professor ( C ) 14. Helen Eades, Associate ( C ) 15. Mrs. Clara R. Meyer, Associate ( C & S ) (See Purnell Fund (Total salary 16. Louise M. Pickens, Associate (C) 17. Mrs. Pearl Z. Janssen, Instructor ( C ) 18. Mrs. Mary W. Beam, Instructor ( C ) 19. Mrs. Irene J. Twomey, Assistant ( S ) , Nutrition (See Purnell Fund 20. Helen E. Underwood, Assistant ( C ) , Institution Management (See Cafeteria Fund (Total salary 21. Jeannette L. Cohen, Laboratory Assistant ( C ) 22. Henrietta S. Hayden, Assistant ( C ) and Research Assistant ( S ) (See Purnell Fund (Total salary 23. Bernadine H. Meyer, Laboratory Assistant ( C ) 24. Janice M. Smith, Laboratory Technician ( C & S ) (See Purnell Fund (Total salary 25. Mrs. Ruth C. Freeman, Associate ( E & S ) , H o m e Accounts (See Purnell Fund (See Smith-Lever Fund (Total salary 26. Laura M. Flynn, Research Assistant ( S ) (See Purnell Fund 27. Bessie E. Packard, Secretary 28. , Stenographer (C. S.) 29. Mrs. Mary L. Ryan, Laboratory Caretaker (C. S.) (From Building Operations (Total salary Sub-total, Salaries 30. Wages Total, Home Economics H o m e E c o n o m i c s Cafeteria DG08 DG92 B B B B DG50 DG50 B D E D DG50 DG50 EG50 EG20 EG80 EG50 DG42 DG 8 232 2 748) 2 980) 2800 2 980 2 440 2 125 1 130 I 130) 2 260) 2 000 1 700 1 500 I 360) 750 750) I 500) 600 37s 1 425) 1 800) 450 600 120) 720) 855) 1 045) I 900) 600) 1 900 960 600 300) 900) (43 883) 1 020 $ 44 903 DG45 DG55 EG50 D DG67 DG33 H 1. Helen E. Underwood (See H o m e Economics, Item 2 0 ) . . DG50 $ Sub-total, Salaries 2. Wages H Total, Home Economics Cafeteria $ 750 (750) 1 550 2 300 Horticulture 1. J. C. Blair, Professor ( C ) and Chief ( S ) , Horticulture; Head of Department A $ 2. J. W. Lloyd, Professor of Olericulture (C) ; Chief in Olericulture and in Fruit and Vegetable Marketing ( S ) . . AG88 (Sec Cook County Experiment Station AG12 (Total salary 6 400 4 281 632) 4 9^3)
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