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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

312 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ J u t y 26 Salary 22. E. M. Elwood, Assistant ( E ) , F a r m Management (See Federal Additional Cooperative Funds 23. Ralph Clifford, Assistant ( S ) , Agricultural E c o n o m i c s . . . (See Purnell Fund 24. F. M. Atchley, Assistant ( S ) , Agricultural E c o n o m i c s . . . (See Purnell Fund 25. G. H. Reuss, Assistant ( S ) , Agricultural Economics (See Purnell Fund 26. R. J. Eggert, Assistant ( S ) , Agricultural Economics (See Purnell Fund 27. A. J. Brown, Assistant ( S ) , Agricultural Economics 28. A. L. Leonard, Assistant ( S ) , F a r m Management 29. B. R. H u r t , Assistant ( S ) , F a r m Management 30. Helen L. Sears, Secretary (C. S.) 31. , Clerk (C. S.) , 32. Mrs. Dorothy E. Strickland, Stenographer (See Purnell Fund 33. Sarah J a n e Shank, Stenographer (See Purnell Fund 34. Marian Baumhauer, Statistical Clerk (C. S.) Sub-total, Salaries 35. Wages Total, Agricultural Economics Agricultural Engineering DG50 DG50 DG50 DG50 DG50 DG50 EG50 EG50 720) 720) 720) 720) 720) 720 600 600 I 500 I 171 I 174) I I (35 2 078) 018 759) 250 D D H $ 38 009' 1. E. W. Lehmann, Professor ( C ) and Chief ( S ) ; H e a d of Department A ? 5 132 2. R. I. Shawl, Assistant Professor (C) and Assistant 3 382 Chief ( S ) B 3. W. A. Foster, Associate Professor of Rural Architecture 1 800 ( C ) and Associate Chief in Rural Architecture ( S ) AG50 1 800) (See Architecture AG50 3 600) (Total salary _ 4. A. L. Young, Assistant Professor ( C ) and Assistant 3 000 Chief ( S ) B 5. R. H. Reed, Instructor ( C ) and First Assistant ( S ) D 2 530 6 , Assistant (C & S) D 1 324 7. R. C. Hay, Extension Specialist ( E ) 1 800) (See Smith-Lever Fund D 8. Suzanne K. Wheeler, Stenographer (C. S.) 1 288 Sub-total, Salaries (18 456) 9. Wages H 4 295 Total, Agricultural Engineering Agronomy 1. W. L. Burlison, Professor ( C ) and Chief ( S ) , Crop Production; H e a d of Department A $ 2. C. F. Hottes, Consulting Plant Physiologist ( S ) DG17 (See Department of Botany AG83 (Total salary 3. L. H. Smith, Chief in charge of Publications of Soil Survey ( S ) A 4. F. C. Bauer, Professor of Soil Fertility ( C ) and Chief in Soil Experiment Fields ( S ) A •College, $14,947; Station, $23,062. 'College, $11,796; Station, $10,955. 6400 899 4 493) 5 392) 4038 4 475 $ 22 751*
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