Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

294 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 26 Salary 1 180 (58 888) 1 113 $ 60 001 31. Virginia T. Brennan, Clerk and Stenographer (C. S.) . . . Sub-total, Salaries 32. Wages Total, Zoology Classical Museum 1. Wages Museum of European Culture 1. Wages Museum of Natural History 1. F. C. Baker, Curator Sub-total, Salaries 2. Wages Total, Museum of Natural History H H $ 250 H $ 250 D H 3 700 (3 700) $ 400 $ 4 100 $ SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM 1. L. W. Murphy, Director of the School of J o u r n a l i s m . . . . Professor 2. R. R. Barlow, Associate Professor ( O n leave with J4 pay for 1035-36) 3. J. F. Wright, Associate Professor (Director of Public Information (Director of Radio Station (Total salary 4. O. C. Leiter, Associate Professor 5. C. L. Allen, Associate Professor 6. F. S. Siebert, Assistant Professor 7. B. S. Dickinson, Associate 8. F. E. Schooley, Assistant (Assistant to Director of Public Information (Assistant to Director of Radio Station (Total salary 9. Martha S. Alexander, Graduate Stenographer (C. S.) . . . Sub-total, Salaries 10. Wages Total, School of Journalism D A A D DG75 DG25 D D D D EG25 DG45 DG30 $ 5 000 3 5i8 849) 283) 132) 400 350 010 325 570 1 125) 905) 2 600) 1 315 (22 488) 500 $ 22 988 3 I 5 3 3 3 2 H COLLEGE OF COMMERCE A N D BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Summary Salaries Other and Wages Expense Total Administration $11 281 ?2 850 $14 131 Business Organization and Operation 75 984 75 984 Economics 84 952 84 952 Sub-total (172 217) ( 2 8 5 0 ) (175067) Bureau of Business Research 7 988 1 298 9 286 Total S180 205 ?4 148 $184353