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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

19351 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 27I SUMMARY OF BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS, 1 9 3 5 - 1 9 3 6 From From General Restricted Educational and General Income Income Total General Administrative Offices and General Expense $ 401 762 $18 976 % 420 738 Instruction and Departmental Research: Colleges, Schools, and Departments: Liberal Arts and Sciences 1 017 851 1 017 851 Journalism 25 507 25 507 06 Commerce ITS ? 175067 Education 128 782 128 782 Engineering 456 711 456 711 Agriculture 274 380 46 672 321 052 Library Science 28 265 28 265 Law 67 028 67 028 Fine and Applied Arts 187 549 187 549 Physical Education 138 029 138 029 Military 10 366 2 900 13 266 Military Bands 13 415 1 350 14 765 Summer Session 100 000 100 000 Medicine 459 639 459 639 Dentistry 126 743 126 743 Pharmacy 95 506 95 506 University Extension 8 490 8 490 Total (3 313 328) (50 922) (3 364 250) Organized Activities Relating to Instructional Departments (Self-supporting): Dairy Creamery 66 607 66 607 Home Economics Cafeteria 6 410 6 410 Total (73 017) (73 017) Total, Instruction and Departmental Research (3 313 328) (123 939) (3 437 267) Organized Research: Bureau of Business Research 9 286 9 286 Bureau of Educational Research 6 715 6 715 Engineering Experiment Station 86 246 86 246 Agricultural Experiment Station 354 427 154 971 509 398 Graduate School 77 480 77 480 Total, Organized Research (534 154) (154 971) (689 125) Agricultural Extension 297 770 297 770 Libraries 294 978 294 978 Physical Plant Operation and Maintenance. . 850 899 850 899 Total, Educational and General (5 395 121) (595 656) (5 990 777) Auxiliary Enterprises 142 500 142 500 Endowment Income and Gift Funds Educational Purposes Non-Educational Purposes Total, Endowment Income and Gift Funds (p. 273) Grand Total $5 395 121 139 584 22 545 139 584 22 545 (162 129) (162 129) $900285 $ 6 2 9 5 4 0 6
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