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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

22 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 22 Revised as Follows 95 @ $1641 a year all funds f 155 895 Less State Appropriation 87 5°° 95 @ $720 a year Federal Funds 68 395 95 @ $456 a year A.A.A. Funds 43 33° 95 @ $264 a year Smith-Lever and A.F.C 25 075 12 @ £264 a year A.F.C. Funds 3 l63 83 @ $264 a year Smith-Lever Fund $21 912 frzi 912 Amount Deducted from Salaries $28 488 Expenses to be paid in lieu of salaries Office expenses of State Agricultural Adjustment Administration Office f 252 Travel expense for County Farm Advisers and State Office 15 78o Wages for State Office 12 456 Total Expenses $28 488 On motion of Mr. Barrett, this revision was approved. REAPPROPRIATION OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES F U N D (8) A recommendation that the sum of $1,451.68, remaining in the Board of Trustees expense and equipment fund at the end of the fiscal year 1933-34, be reappropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1934 for printing and binding the biennial report of the Board of Trustees. This is the amount of the reserve carried during 1933-34 for this purpose. On motion of Mr. Armstrong, this appropriation was made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Barr, Mr. Barrett, Mr. Karraker, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Williams; no, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Freeman, Mrs. Hopkins, Mr. Horner, Mr. Trees. APPROPRIATION TO DEPARTMENT OF DAIRY HUSBANDRY (9) A recommendation that the sum of $2,815.17, representing excess receipts over estimated receipts from sales during 1933-34, which estimated receipts were appropriated as part of budget for the past year, be appropriated to the Department of Dairy Husbandry for expense and equipment for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1934, in accordance with the customary practice. On motion of Mr. Barr, this appropriation was made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Barr, Mr. Barrett, Mr. Karraker, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Williams; no, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Freeman, Mrs. Hopkins, Mr. Horner, Mr. Trees. FEE FOR PROFESSIONAL DEGREES IN ENGINEERING (10) A recommendation that the incidental fee required of candidates for professional degrees in engineering be reduced from $70 per year to $25. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this change was authorized. NON-BEVERAGE ALCOHOL LICENSES (11) Under the State liquor law the University must secure licenses under which it may purchase non-beverage alcohol for use in the laboratories at Urbana and Chicago. Four licenses are necessary—one for the Urbana Departments, where all the alcohol is handled through a central storeroom, and one each for the three colleges in Chicago. The University is required to furnish surety bonds for these licenses. As it was necessary for the University to purchase alcohol before this Board meeting, the Comptroller was authorized to secure the licenses and to give the required bonds.
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