Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 225 Kappa Delta Pi (Alpha C h a p t e r ) , $50 to be used as a student loan fund. Continental Oil Company of Ponca City, Oklahoma, $1,500 for the renewal of its fellowship for research work in the Department of Chemistry. National W a r m Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association, $800 for immediate use toward the support of a summer cooling program in the Research Residence of the University. This report was received for record. DEATH BENEFIT JOSEPH LEPAK (34) A report of the death on April 30, 1935, of Mr. Joseph Lepak, Technician in the Department of Pathology of the College of Medicine. He had been in the service of the University since September 1, 1921. The death benefit in his case is $815.00. T h e Comptroller has been authorized to make payment to the designated beneficiary. On motion of M r . Barr, this action w a s approved. LORADO TAFT LECTURESHIP IN ART F U N D (35) A recommendation from the Chairman of the Taft Lectureship in A r t Fund Committee and the University Comptroller that $1,000 of the $2,172.95 balance in the Taft Lectureship in Art Fund be transferred from the interest fund to the principal fund of this endowment inasmuch as not more than the remaining $1,172.95 will be needed for lectures next year. On motion of Dr. Meyer, this transfer was authorized. KATE NEAL KINLEY MEMORIAL FELLOWSHIP (36) A report that Mr. Stanley Fletcher, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, has been appointed to the Kate Neal Kinley Memorial Fellowship; and that Miss Olive Miriam Buchholz, of Urbana, Illinois, has been appointed alternate. This report was received for record. E. A. WALLACE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPS (37) A report that J. A. C. Schulte and Wayne Munsch, of Havana, have been nominated by the Board of Education of Havana, Illinois, to hold the E. A. Wallace Memorial Scholarships for the academic year 1935-1936. These scholarships were awarded as recommended. AGREEMENT W I T H THE CORN PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY FOR STUDY OF USE OF CERELOSE IN THE MANUFACTURE OF ICE CREAM (38) A recommendation from the Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station that an agreement be authorized with the Technical Service Department of the Corn Products Refining Company of Argo, Illinois, for the employment of a research assistant to study the use of cerelose in the manufacture of ice cream, the work to be done at the University under the direction of the Department of Dairy Husbandry in the Agricultural Experiment Station. The agreement is for six months from July 1, 1935, with provision for its extension, and the Corn Products Refining Company has agreed to contribute $1,500 to pay the salary of a research assistant and other expenses. T h e agreement meets all of the requirements of the Board governing such cooperative investigations. On motion of Mr. Barr, this agreement was authorized. LABORATORY FEES IN T H E URBANA DEPARTMENTS (39) A recommendation that the following schedule of laboratory fees for the various courses offered in the Departments at Urbana and Champaign for the year beginning September 1, 1935, be adopted: On motion of Mrs. Plumb, these fees were approved.