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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FEDERAL EMERGENCY R E L I E F ADMINISTRATOR OF PUBLIC W O R K S 219 June 6, 1935 Honorable Robert Kingery, Director, Department of Public Works and Buildings, Springfield, Illinois MY DEAR M R . KINGERY: I have received your letter of May 22, with which you enclosed President Willard's letter addressed to you on May 16, also exhibits, relative to the project proposed by the University of Illinois. Under the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, the University's proposed application requesting $1400,000 would not qualify as a Federal project, entitled to receive a one hundred per cent grant, but would be eligible for consideration as a non-Federal project on the basis of a loan of fifty-five per cent of the total estimated cost to the Government at three per cent interest, and an outright grant amounting to forty-five per cent of the cost to the Government. This proposed application should be submitted to Mr. C. M. Osborn, Acting State Director, Public W o r k s Administration, 308 U. S. Courthouse, Chicago, Illinois. Application forms will be forwarded to you and to President Willard. Mr. Osborn has been advised of your inquiry. It is my suggestion that representatives of the University communicate with Mr. Osborn prior to filling out the formal application, as they will find him in a position to offer many valuable suggestions, and willing to cooperate in every way possible. Sincerely yours, HAROLD L. ICKES Administrator This report was received for record. REPORT OF DAIRY COMMISSION (27) At the meeting on February 23 (Minutes, page 126), the Board authorized the appointment of a Commission to study the relations and obligations of the Department of Dairy Husbandry to the State. This Commission was duly appointed and promptly went to work on the task assigned to it. I submit herewith the report of the Commission. If the University adopts the recommendations of the Commission, particularly with reference to the operations and activities relating to the processing and distribution of milk and its products, it will increase the budget of the Department of Dairy Husbandry by approximately $4,300, due to decrease in the output of the creamery. Report of Dairy Commission appointed by President A. C. Willard to review and comment upon the policies and practices of the Department of Dairy Husbandry of the College of Agriculture in its effort to serve the farmers, distributors, manufacturers of dairy products, and consumers of Illinois: PERSONNEL OF COMMITTEE Chairman: Dr. N. W. Hepburn, Executive Secretary, Illinois Dairy Products Association, Inc., Peoria, Illinois. Secretary: Mr. Wilfred Shaw, Producers' Creamery, Peoria, Illinois. Dr. N. Sproat Heaney, 820 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Mr. H. C. Horneman, Sugar Creek Creamery Company, Danville, Illinois. Mr. Albert C. Kolmer, Waterloo, Illinois. Mr. C. H. Nichols, Hebron, Illinois. Mr. H a r r y M. Wood, Delavan, Illinois. May 3, 1935 Mr, A. C. Willard, President, University of Illinois DEAR PRESIDENT W I L L A R D : The Dairy Commission, appointed to review and comment upon the policies and practices of the Department of Dairy Husbandry of the College of Agriculture in its effort to serve the farmers, distributors, manufacturers of dairy products, and consumers of Illinois, begs leave to submit the following report:
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