Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 213 The Committee discussed at length the value of the discoveries made by Dr. Keyes and Dr. Johnstone for the removal of sulphur in flue gases, for which discovery the University applied for four patents, which are now practically completed in the patent office and ready to issue. According to Dr. Keyes, this is one of the most valuable discoveries made in the research laboratories at the University. Since the original patents were applied for, the process has been perfected through additional discoveries which will require supporting patents. It will probably require four additional patents at a cost of approximately $500 each. The money will not necessarily be expended at any one time, but may run over a period of two years. It is the recommendation of the Committee on Patents that the value of this discovery warrants the supporting patents, and that appropriations should be made from time to time to cover these applications. The Utilities Research Commission consider this discovery of sufficient value that they are at the present time expending close to $100,000 for an experimental plant under the license granted them for the use of the original patents. They have also spent, according to Dr. Keyes, approximately $55,000 in research work. This alone indicates the value of this discovery. MRS. MARIE C. PLUMB HAROLD POGUE EDWARD E. BARRETT, Chairman On motion of Mr. Barrett, this report was adopted. COMMITTEE ON STATUTES Mr. Barrett, for the Committee on the Revision of the Statutes, made a report of progress. INVESTMENT OF E N D O W M E N T FUNDS Mr. K a r r a k e r presented a request that the Finance Committee be authorized to invest $27,000 of uninvested endowment funds in suitable bonds. On motion of Mr. Karraker, this investment was authorized. CONTRACT FOR LIBRARY STACKS Mr. Karraker, for the Finance Committee, reported that a contract for the purchase of library stacks from Snead and Company, consideration $8,973, executed by the President and the Secretary of the Board on April 18, 1934, according to an appropriation made in the Physical Plant budget for 1933-1934, had not been listed in the minutes of the Board. AUDIT OF ACCOUNTS OF ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Mr. K a r r a k e r presented a recommendation of the Finance Committee that the audit of the accounts of the Athletic Association be made by the firm of accountants who audit the accounts of the University. On motion of Mr. K a r r a k e r , this recommendation was adopted. HEADSHIP OF DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY Dr. Meyer called attention to the fact that permanent appointment had not been made to the headship of the Department of Surgery in the College of Medicine, and requested that attention be given this matter at an early date. At this point, M r . Mayer withdrew.