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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I87 Quotations were also requested, but none were received, from the following: Robert Holmes and Bros., Inc. Mississippi Valley Structural Steel Company A. M. Castle and Company James G. Heggle and Sons, Inc. Hamler Boiler and T a n k Company I recommend that the tanks be purchased from the Leader Iron Works, the lowest bidder, at a price of $1,134.50. Funds are available in the budget of the Physical Plant Department for this purpose. On motion of Mr. Mayer, this purchase was authorized as recommended. REPORT OF PURCHASES (10) T h e following report of purchases approved pursuant to the action of the Board of Trustees, on May 22, 1934: One tank car (10,000 gal.) of gasoline from the Ohio Oil Company at $.1069 a gallon, including state tax and freight. Competitive quotations were secured and of the three low bids the order was given to the Ohio Oil Company because shipment will be made from its refineries at Robinson, Illinois. On motion of M r . Barrett, this purchase was approved. PURCHASE OF LIVESTOCK (11) A recommendation that the following purchase be authorized: Seventy steers from the Producers Commission Association, Kansas City, Missouri, at a cost of $3,295.70, for the Department of Animal Husbandry. On motion of M r . Mayer, this purchase was authorized. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STATE SURVEYS BUILDING (12) A report of a conference with the Chiefs of the State Geological and Natural History Surveys concerning the plans and specifications for the proposed Surveys Building. T h i s report was received for record. EMERGENCY STUDENT LOAN F U N D (13) T h e Illinois Emergency Relief Commission, through which the University receives funds from the Federal Emergency Relief Administration for the part-time employment of students, has advised the University that no more funds will be available for this work after April 30, until further notice. Approximately 1,189 students are employed on various projects at an average wage of fifteen dollars a month. The employment program for the academic year 1934-35 will be discontinued on June 8 in any case, so that if the Federal Emergency Relief Administration does not assign any funds for this purpose to Illinois between now and that date it will be necessary to find some means of helping these students for the last six weeks of the semester. In some cases the departments will be able to take over the projects and pay the wages of the students thus employed out of departmental funds, but in many cases other arrangements must be made to help the students during this period. There is an available balance of approximately $31,000 in student loan funds. Some of these funds are restricted, by the original deeds of gifts, in such ways that immediate action on applications is not possible. T h e r e is available in emergency loan funds approximately $1,300, and there are other loan funds on which restrictions do not apply and in which there are balances available to the extent of about $5,000. T h e Comptroller recommends that the Board authorize a temporary assignment of $5,000 from regular loan funds to emergency loan funds to provide loans needed by students now under Federal Emergency Relief Administration employment whose employment cannot be continued by the departments, and
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