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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS l85 beginning September 1, 1935, with provisions for its extension, and the Association agrees to pay the University $600 to cover the stipend of this assistantship. T h e agreement conforms to all of the requirements of the Board of Trustees governing such arrangements and I recommend its approval. On motion of M r . Meyer, this agreement w a s authorized. SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM (4) Director L. W. Murphy, of the School of Journalism, has called attention to the fact that the Act of the Legislature of June 17, 1927, entitled, "An Act Establishing a College of Journalism at the University of Illinois, and Making an Appropriation Therefor," definitely provides for the establishment of a college. T h e act itself reads: "Section 1. T h e Trustees of the University of Illinois are authorized and directed to establish a college of journalism at the University of Illinois. "Section 2. T h e college of journalism shall offer such courses as will best serve to train and equip persons for service in that profession." Director Murphy states that while the time is not favorable for expansion, if the Board of Trustees interprets the law as establishing a "College of Journalism," there is no reason why it cannot continue with its present program subject to the University's convenience. T h e offerings, program, requirements, staff, strength, and other considerations are as suitable to a small growing college as to any other division. As the problem is one of interpretation of the law, no recommendation is made except that the matter be given consideration. On motion of Mr. Mayer, this communication was received for careful consideration. ROSELAWN CEMETERY (5) T h e following recommendations and statements concerning Roselawn Cemetery, the purchase of which was authorized by the Board of Trustees in 1930: 1. T h e Physical Plant Department requests authority to enter into an agreement with the Roselawn Cemetery Association for the care of all lots in the cemetery by the Department, the expenses to be shared by the Association and the University according to the proportion of land owned by each. On motion of M r . Mayer, this agreement w a s authorized. 2. Mr. W. S. Conn, of Champaign, requests permission to exchange the south half of lot No. 119, Section G, which he owns, for the east half of lot No. 36, Section A, owned by the University in the cemetery. He offers a warranty deed on his lot in return for a quit claim deed on the University lot, and agrees to pay all expenses incidental to the transfer. There is some advantage to the University in making this exchange and the Physical Plant Department recommends approval. On motion of Mrs. Plumb, this exchange was authorized, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Barrett, Mrs. Freeman, Mr. Mayer, Dr. Meyer, Mrs. Plumb, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Williams; no, none; absent, Mr. Barr, Mr. Horner, Mr. Karraker, Mr. Wieland. 3. Dr. David K i n k y wishes to make an agreement with the University (independently of any similar agreement which the University may have with the Roselawn Cemetery Association) for the care of his lots on which he has built a family mausoleum. He proposes to turn over to the University such sum as may be necessary to yield a sufficient income to provide for the cost of this service in perpetuity. On motion of Mr. Barrett, action on this matter was deferred for further study. LETTERS PATENT FOR AN IMPROVEMENT IN METHOD OF FREEZING A CLEAR BLOCK (6) T h e Secretary of the Board reports the receipt of States Letters Patent No. 1,996,274, issued to the Board MEANS AND OF ICE the original United of Trustees of the
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