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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 183 countants against Basil Alvin Barron, of Chicago, who holds a C.P.A. Certificate issued, under the law, by the University of Illinois. T h e complaint was filed under the following section of an Act to Regulate the Profession of Public Accountants, approved May 15, 1903, and amended May 25, 1907. " T h e University may revoke any certificate issued under the provisions of this act, for unprofessional conduct or other sufficient cause, provided that written notice shall have been previously mailed to the holder of such certificate twenty days before any hearing thereon, stating the cause for such contemplated action, and appointing a date for a full hearing thereof by the University; and provided, further, that no certificate shall be revoked until a hearing shall have been had." The regulations adopted by the Board of Trustees for the administration of the law provide that " T h e supervision of all matters under the law shall be in the hands of a committee under the immediate supervision of the President of the University, consisting of the Registrar and two other members of the University staff, to be appointed by the President." Under this law the University Committee on Accountancy was directed to hold a hearing, and the University Counsel was directed to take such part in the proceedings as the University's interests seemed to require. Hearings were held in Chicago on April 6, May 3, and October 25, 1934, at which were present members of the University Committee, the Board of Examiners in Accountancy, representatives of the Illinois Society of Certified Public Accountants, counsel for the Society, counsel for Mr. Barron, and counsel for the University. As a result of the evidence submitted at these hearings and further investigation, the Committee finds that the respondent, Mr. Basil Alvin Barron, has been guilty of unprofessional conduct and the Committee recommends to the Board of Trustees that an order be entered revoking Certified Public Accountant Certificate No. 325, issued by the University of Illinois to Basil Alvin Barron on October 20, 1922. Judge Johnson was present during the discussion of this matter. On motion of Dr. Meyer, the following resolution was adopted: Whereas, the Illinois Society of Certified Public Accountants has filed complaint against Basil Alvin Barron, holder of C. P. A. certificate Number 325 issued by the University of Illinois on October 20, 1922, charging that said Barron issued a certificate as to the financial condition of H. O. Stone and Company without having made either personally or through his agents or representatives, an examination of the original records of H. O. Stone and Company; and Whereas, the Committee on Accountancy of the University of Illinois, under the instruction from the Acting President of the University, and in accordance with Section 5 of An Act to Regulate the Profession of Public Accountants approved May 15, 1903, and amended May 25, 1907, has prepared and served notice of hearing, has held the hearing, has taken testimony and has reported its findings of facts and conclusions of the law to the Board of Trustees of the University; and Whereas, the findings and recommendation of the Committee on Accountancy are that the respondent Barron has been guilty of unprofessional conduct and that an order be entered by the Board of Trustees of the University revoking the Certificate of Certified Public Accountant held by said Barron; and Whereas, the Board of Trustees of the University, having reviewed the evidence in the case and the opinion of the said Committee on
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