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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 161 should be emphasized more strongly and that, were the recommendations to be listed below acted upon in an unofficial way by the President and the Board of Trustees, the research activities of the University would be promoted. T h e Advisory Committee recommends that ( i ) requests for leaves of absence during a subsequent year shall be in the hands of the President not later than December I and shall be acted on at one t i m e ; (2) requests shall be accompanied by a detailed statement of how the work of the persons on leave is to be carried; and (3) requests shall be supported by a program of contemplated work which has been rigidly surveyed by some such group as the Research Board of the Graduate School. I concur in the recommendations of the Advisory Committee and recommend further that with respect to applications for leaves during 1935-36 now pending, or which may be submitted, all such applications shall be submitted on or before June 1, 1935, and shall be acted on at one time. On motion of Mrs. Freeman, these recommendations were adopted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR DR. J. E. GIESEKING (9) A report that Dr. J. E. Gieseking, First Assistant in Soil Survey, has been given an additional month's vacation with pay so that he may attend the Third International Congress in Soil Science to be held in England during July and August. On motion of Dr. Meyer, this action w a s approved. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MRS. RUTH C. FREEMAN (10) A recommendation from the Dean of the College of Agriculture that Mrs. Ruth C. Freeman, of the H o m e Economics Extension staff, be given a leave of absence without pay from April 22 to August 31, 1935, in order that she may assist the Bureau of H o m e Economics of the U. S. Department of Agriculture in some of its work. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Mayer, this leave was granted. DIVISION O F SOCIAL S C I E N C E S (11) The University Senate submits with its approval the following recommendation from the faculty of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for the establishment of a Division of Social Sciences. T h e Senate has approved this with the understanding that departments other than those listed below may, on their application, be included within the Division: Composition There shall be created a Division of Social Sciences, to include, from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the departments of History, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology, and the faculty of Geography; from the College of Commerce and Business Administration, the Department of Economics. Each of these groups shall continue as at present organized, with its usual relations to administrative and budgetary m a t t e r s ; and recommendations or other actions of the Division shall be advisory only, in no way affecting the authority of the colleges and departments concerned. Purposes The Division of Social Sciences shall be organized for the purpose of mutual discussion and cooperation within allied fields of inquiry, without, however, affecting the autonomy of the several departments or groups within the division. It shall be within the province of the Division to discuss such matters of general educational procedure as fall within the limits of its field, and to make recommendations concerning these matters. T h e correlation of courses, the adjustment of borderline subject matters, the elimination or avoidance of duplications, the construction of cooperative courses and curricula,'the promotion of unity among the social sciences in teaching and research, are among the general subjects within the province of divisional discussion and recommendation.
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