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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 139 Certificate in Medicine MAURICE GRAZIANO FARINACCI, as of F e b r u a r y 1, 1935 R A L P H MILLARD SEATON, as of December 1, 1934 LEROY T H O M A S TELFORD, as of F e b r u a r y 6, 1935 COLLEGE OF PHARMACY D e g r e e of Pharmaceutical Chemist H Y M A N AFRICK LEONARD DENENHOLZ MARIA RAPHAELLA D I G I L I O M A X DREXLER SAM DREXLER JOSEPH JAMES FLANAGAN HENRY GARDNER AARON ARCHIE GOLDIN ROBERT W I L L I A M H O F T J O H N S. JANKOWSKI EDWARD ABRAHAM KARSA TALMAGE WILFRED K I S N E R JOSEPH K L I M A DAVID K U K E E ARTHUR LEONARD LAMPERT L O U I S LERNER EDWARD VICTOR LESINSKI EDWARD JOSEPH M C K E N N A BENJAMIN FRANK MADAJ SALVATORE PERRELLI J A M E S CHARLES R A I S P I S LEON ZEE SELTZER DOMINICK PETER SERPICO NATHAN STEIN JOSEPH FRANCIS VALVODA, JR. MELVIN W I T K I N REGULATIONS GOVERNING C O R R E S P O N D E N C E STUDY (16) A recommendation that Section V I I I of the regulations governing correspondence study adopted by the Board of Trustees November 10, 1933 (Minutes, page 410), be amended to read as follows: After matriculation, a student may count toward his degree, as much as 60 semester hours of credit earned in correspondence study in subjects passed with grades of " C " or higher, under the following conditions: 1. If he completes all the remaining requirements for the degree in residence at the University of Illinois; or 2. If he presents acceptable residence credit for work done elsewhere and completes the requirements needed for his degree in residence at the University of Illinois. In all such cases the senior year (of not less than 30 semester hours) must be done in residence at the University. A student who has earned three years of residence credit at the University of Illinois, may do his senior year in correspondence study, subject to meeting all the requirements for his degree as announced by his college or school. On motion of M r . Barrett, these regulations were adopted. At this point, M r . B a r r took his place with the Board. UNIVERSITY CLUB OF URBANA SERVICES (17) A report that, in return for services being rendered the University by the University Club of Urbana (the faculty club of the University), the Physical Plant Department has been authorized to adjust the charges for heat and light services furnished to the Club, the new schedule to become effective March 1, 1935, and to continue until further notice from the Physical Plant Department, which will review this matter periodically. T h i s r e p o r t w a s received for record. BIOGRAPHY OF ANDREW SLOAN DRAPER (18) On February 13, 1929 (Minutes, page 135), the Board approved the general policy of publishing biographies of former presidents of the University, and on December 20, 1933 (Minutes, page 418), an appropriation was made for the publication of a biography of Andrew Sloan Draper, in an edition of 1,000 copies. This biography, written by Dr. Harlan H. Horner, former secretary to President Draper, has just been published. In accordance with the customary practice, twenty-five copies have been sent to the author, two to the Library, and one to each member of the Board of Trustees. Copies were also sent to Dr.
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