Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I3I (4) To print and distribute the rules and regulations promulgated by it among the institutions qualified hereunder to receive animals for research purposes and require that the same shall be posted in the laboratories, in plain view at all times. (5) To prepare a biennial report and file the same in the office of the Director of the Department of Public Health of the State of Illinois. (6) To allocate only so many and such impounded animals as are necessary and useful for furthering knowledge regarding normal functions and means and methods of diagnosis and curing or preventing diseases in animals and human beings and in checking the spread thereof. (7) To deny a further supply of animals to institutions violating the provisions of applicable statutes, or ordinances, or its rules and regulations. SEC. 8. T h e poundkeeper shall keep the animals subject to this Act for such a period as may be required by the local ordinances or resolutions, in order to give the owner an opportunity to identify and reclaim the animals, but such poundkeeper shall not dispose of such animals except to the institutions qualified hereunder and to which they have been allotted, and which shall have made, or been afforded an opportunity to make, a selection of animals in accordance with the rules of the commission, if notice has been given him that any institution to which an allotment of animals has been made is prepared to receive them at or prior to the expiration of the detention period. T h e expense of taking away such animals shall be paid by the institution receiving the same. SEC. 9. Any violation of this Act shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $100.00 and not more than $500.00. On motion of Dr. Meyer, the Board voted to endorse this bill as prepared. REPORT OF UNIVERSITY BUILDING PROJECTS TO STATE PLANNING COMMISSION AND NATIONAL RESOURCES BOARD (9) A report that in response to a request from Honorable Robert Kingery, Director of the State Department of Public W o r k s and Buildings, and Chairman of the State Planning Commission, a list of possible building projects at the University was sent to him for inclusion in the Commission's report to the National Resources Board of worthy public works in Illinois which might be financed by federal funds. Medical and Dental Laboratories $1 400 000 Library Stacks 350 000 Mining and Metallurgy Laboratory 50 000 Power Plant 750 000 Improvements to W a t e r System 100 000 A r m o r y Annex 400 000 Total, University $3 050 000 State Surveys Building Journalism Building Grand total 825 000 350 000 $4 225 000 This report was received for record. FIRE HAZARDS IN CHEMISTRY BUILDING (10) A report of the fire hazards existing in the old part of the Chemistry Laboratory Building due to the type of construction. T h e west end of this building was constructed in 1902 and is practically entirely of wood. The wooden roof trusses on the fourth floor are carried through the ducts of the hoods which must be used in heating materials which give off poisonous gases, so that as a precautionary measure it will be necessary to put a night watchman on duty.