UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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BOARD OF T R U S T E E S 1 i ; j } ! Weckel, H. Madeline, appointment, 348, 746 degree, 890 Weclew, Marcella U., degree, 137 Weed, Fannie, appointment, 142, 429 Weed control, research, funds, 404 Weeks, G. D., degree, 243 Wehling, Dorothy M., degree, 37 Wehling, F. J., degree, 905 Weichel, E. v., Jr., degree, 242 Weichselbaum, P. K., degree, 253 Weidemann, J. A., appointment, 200, 429, 733 Weidman, A. E., certificate, 790 Weihe, A. R., appointment, 469, 757 degree, 35 Weihofen, G. G., degree, 905 Weil, L. L., certificate, 911 degree, 909 Weiler, S. L., degree, 892 Weinard, F. F., appointment, 318, 712 Weinberg, A., certificate, 394 Weinberg, B. A., degree, 909 Weinberg, Jack, certificate, 911 Weinberg, Julius, degree, 384 Weinberger, C. F., degree, 898 Weiner, H. I., degree, 253 Weinfeld, G. F M appointment, 376, 761 Weinheimer, Lillian, appointment, 280, 672 Weinman, C. J., degree, 545 Weinstein, M., degree, 255 Weinstein, Midge A., degree, 239 Weinstein, R. C, degree, 909 Weinstein, S., degree, 896 Weinstock, H. H., appointment, 156, 286, 429 Weir t H. F., degree, 136 Weinch, W. J., degree, 244 Weirick, R. B., appointment, 287, 560, 679 Weis, E. H., degree, 384 Weisberg, W. D., degree, 244 Weisberg, W. W., degree, 896 Weisiger, B. W., degree, 235 Weisiger, G. B., appointment, n o , 325, 561,


7 3

Watchmen, See Police. Water analysis, gift for research, 567 investigation, budget, 675 Water polo, course, laboratory fee, 439 team, expenses, 488 Water purifiers, appropriation, 90 purchase^ 132 Water station, budget, expense, 351, 748 salary* 353, 750 Water supply, budget, wages, Chicago, 354, Illinois Union, 115 Water system, appropriation, 168, 194, 357 improvements, 12, 32 plans, 115 project for Public Works, 131 Water tank, appropriation, 91 balance reappropriated, 208 statement, 357 authority to place order, 194 bids, 208 contract, 208, 382 pipe and fittings, purchase, 215 Wat< wells, appropriation, 49, 87, 90, 168, ^ater 357 contract, 61, 158 cost, 115 houses, bids, 169 contracts, 169, 175, 196 Waterman, J. W., degree, 239 Waters, G. L., degree, 248 Waters, L. L. f appointment, 923 degree, 543 Waters, V. R., degree, 414 Watkins, Fannie M., appointment, 428, 726 Watson, A. C, degree, 55 Watson, F. R., appointment, 303, 696 Watson, G. H., scholarship, 640 Watson, R. E., appointment, 697 degree, 135 fellowship, 198 Watson, T. F., degree, 232 Watson, W. R., degree, 899 Watson Engineering Company, contract, 779 Watt, J. J., Jr., appointment, 923 degree, 908 Watt, Jane C., appointment, 328, 725 Watte, J. E., degree, 241 Wattles, L. E., degree, 412 Watts, Lela E., degree, 546 Way, Melvina E., degree, 248 Way, Sarah J., degree, 909 Wayman, L., degree, 248 Wayne, W. J., degree, 897 Wear, J. D., degree, 897 Weatherly, J. A., degree, 35 Weaver, B. L., appointment, 318, 712 Weaver, L. H., degree, 905 Weaver, R. L., degree, 905 Weaver, Virginia H., appointment, 317, 711 Weaver, W. L., Jr., degree, 905 Webb, Lillis, appointment, 141, 573 Webb, R. L., appointment, 334, 732 Webb, T. E., degree, 245 Webb, W., member of advisory committee, So, 47* Webber, C. A., appointment, 277, 669 authority to sign name of President of Board, 147, 555 Webeck, A. S., degree, 244 Weber, Claire L„ degree, 905 Weber, Evelyn G., degree, $7 Weber, M. O., degree, 239 Weber, Mary V. E., degree, 543 Weber, Nelva M., degree, 233 Weber, O. F., appointment, 108, 298, 560, 691 Weber, W. F. G., degree, 907 Weberling, P. M., degree, 243 Webster, G. L., appointment, 345, 743 declination, 416



Weisiger, G. D., degree, 248 Weisdorf, W. ( degree, 98 Weiskopf, Lillian C, degree, 905 Weiss, E., appointment, 376, 761 Weiss, Florette M., degree, 251 Weiss, M., degree, 35 Weiss, M. D., certificate, 513 Weissberg, S. G., appointment, 923 degree, 888 Weissenborn, Beatrice H., degree, 896 Weissman, C. G., degree, 909 Weissman, L., certificate, 254 Welch, F. P., appointment, 290 fellowship, 640 Welch, S. C-, degree, 548 Welch, W. M., Manufacturing Co., bid, 97, 151, 626 chemicals purchased, 457, 539 glassware purchased, 478 Welchner, C. E., appointment, 429 degree, 252 resignation, 463 Welding equipment, loan, 778 Welker, E. L., appointment, 290, 683 Welker, W. H., appointment, 339, 736 Weiler, F. W., degree, 248 Weiler, R. R., certificate, 911 Welles, Caroline E. f degree, 248 Wellman, W. E.. degree, 245 Wellner, G. J-, degree, 899 Wells, Bertha V., degree, 248 Wells, Mary L., degree, 37 Wells, See Water wells. Welsh, F. E., certificate, 790 Welter, L., contract for instruction of, 82, 368 Weltin, E. G., degree, 333