UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934 [PAGE 706]

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Swan son, Swanson, Swanson, Swanson,


Dorothea M., degree, 609 E. E , appointments, 144, 278, 588 Eloise £., degree, 616 Frances E., appointments, 10, 293, Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, C. V., degree, 131 Florance W. # degree, 405 K. L., degree, 250 M. M., degree, 172 Margaret A., degree, 194 Miriam, degree, 252 R. L., degree, 240 S. Helen, appointments, 31, 311, 370,

Swanson, G., appointments, 72, 350, 555 Swanson, J. W., appointments, 18, 300, 447, 504 Swanson, Margaret G., degree, 606 Swanson, O. E., degree, 613 Swanson, P. E., degree, 97 Swarthout, Evelyn G., fellowship, 593 Swartz, J. B., degree, 606 Swartz, T. C , degree, 245 Swartz, Mary T., degree, 602 Swartzlander, E. E., degree, 616 Swearingen, Lellia F., appointments, 76, 354, 560 degree, 616 Swearingen, Mrs. Mary J., appointments, 46, 326 Sweedler, E. C , degree, 385 Sweeny, E. J., degree, 608 Sweet, j . E., appointments, 57, 335, 541 Sweet, Mrs. W. J v gift, 367 Sweet corn, investigation, 41, 131* 148, 207 Swen, M. S., degree, 260 Sweney, Mrs. Edith S., appointments, 19, 174. 301, 504 Swenson, H. M., appointment, 8s Swenson, P. E., degree, 241 Swisko, R., certificate, 265 Switzer, Drs., gift, 189 Switzer, Shirley R., degree, 612 Sword, Virginia E,, degree, 252 Sykes, E. O., telegram to, 372 Symbols, budget, meaning, 6, 288, 492 Symons, G. E., appointments, 14, 173, 298 Symphony concerts, subsidy authorized, 586 Sypel, Alice C , degree, 252 Syversen, G. M., degree, 254 Szarabajka, B., contract for instruction of, 138 Tab a k a, Bernardine, appointment, 130 Tablets, honors, display, regulations, 574 installation in Library, appropriation, 567 Taborn, Edna, degree, 606 Tabulating Machine Co., contract, 378 Taft, D. R., appointments, 25, 305, 448, 509 Taft, E., degree, 172 Taft, L., lectureship fund, 56, 334, 540 Taft, M. G., appointments, 70, 348, 553 Tahsin, M. A., degree, 258 Talbot, A. N., appointments, 37, 3*7> 520 Talbot, Adelaide R., appointment, 529 Talbot, Alyce P., degree, 244 Talbot, Mrs. Nell S., appointments, 70, 71, 349, 554 Talbot, Sarabelle, degree, 241 Talbott, G. I., degree, 610 Tammen, Margery B., degree, 193 Tandy, W. L,, appointments, 29, 177 degree, 460 Tannenbaum, S., degree, 621 Tanner, F . W., appointments, 13, 184, 297. 446, 501 Tanzer, C. D., degree, 606 Tamowsky, G. de, appointments, 86, 281, 592 Tarry, Angeline M., degree, 616 Tarvin, D., appointments, 392, 502 degree, 192 Tasch, A. F., degrees, 134, 461 Tascher, H., degree, 262 Tate, C. E,, degree, 440 Tate, J. H-, appointments, 13, 172 degree, 258 Tatum, E. L., degree, 257 Tawney, G. A., appointments, 22, 303, 507 Taxes, Carter-Pennell farms, 436 Taylor, A. G., degree, 6r6


Taylor, T., contract for instruction of, 117 Taylor, W. H., degree, 599 fellowship, 210 Taylor, W. K., degree, 265 Taylor, Wanda A., degree, 606 Tchernowitz, J. K., degree, 610 Teach, C. L., degree, 611 Teachers, other institutions, fees charged for University courses, 161 public school, fees charged for University courses, 161 Teague, K. B., appointments, 74, 352, 558 Tedford, J. D.. degree, 617 Teel, H. R., degree, 257 Teele, Eunice V., appointment, 416 Teele, Helen E-, degree, 600 scholarship, 266 Teeters, W. O., degree, 191 fellowship, 479 Tegarden, J. N., degree, 608 Tehon, L. R., degree, 460 Telephone service, fire station, 455 Telleen, K. L., degree, 613 Telleen, L. W., degree, 240 Temple, H. C , Jr., degree, 608 Templeman, W. D,, appointments, 18, 300, 504 Templeton, L., appointments, 74, 179, 352, 558 Templeton, T, L., degree, 613 Temte, Dorothy M., degree, 616 Tenant Properties, budget, 79, 359, 565 estimated income, 285 Tenenbaum, Frieda, degree, 252 Tenney, H. M., degree, 613 Terman, L. A., degree, 97 Terry, G. M., degree, 606 Terry, Henrietta, appointments, 392, 465, 515 degree, 599 Terry, Tuanita, degree, 250 Terry, "L., appointment, 68 degree, 134 Terry, R. E., appointments, 73> 35^, 557 Tesar, F. J., degree, 262 Tests of welded joints, budget, 516 Tetlow, Marguenta M., degree, 603 scholarship, 386 Teton, J. B., certificate, 263 Tewel, K. M., degree, 607 Thacker, E. A., degree, 440 Thalman, Hope S., degree, 134 Thatcher, C. C , degree, 118 Thayer, Elizabeth, degree, 240 Theiss, E. L., appointments, 27, 307, 512 Theiss, Phyllis H., degree, 606 Thelen, L. L., degree, 97 Theobald, J. J., appointments, 84, 278, 589 Theobald, W. G., degree, 255 Theobald, W. H., appointments, 84, 278, 589 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, budget, expense, 32, 312, 516 salary* 37, 3*7, 5-2° summer session, 186, 449 expendable gift funds, 33, 312, 516 head of department, appointment, 477 laboratory fees, 91, 365 Therapeutics, chemistry, investigation, budget, See also Dental Pathology and cology. Thesis, deposit funds, 81, 361, 567 Thiel, Helen M., degree, 458

