UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 721]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932
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U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Vance, H. C , degree, 530 Van Cleave, H. J., appointments, 316, 550 fund for monograph, 504 Van Cleave, J. D., death benefit, 402 Vancouver Lumber Company bonds, assessment, 402 Vandarwarka, G. M., degree, 625 VanDerAue, O, E., certificate, 267 VanDerbeek, H. J., appointment, 326 VanderKloot, A,, appointment, 357 Vanderkolk, W . W., degree, 630 Vanderpool, E., appointment, 86 Vandervoort.G. W., degree, 531 Vanderwal, D. J., degree, 252 VanDeventer, W . C , appointments, to, 316, 644 degree, 632 Van Doren, C. A., appointment, 335 Van Duyn, Mrs. M. S., appointment, 297 Vanek, O. M., degree, 641 Van Epps, L. E., commission, 260 degree, 250 VanEtten, M . L., degree, 2S8 VanHazel, W., appointment, 360 Van Hook, C. E., degree, 449 Van H o m e , J., appointments, 169, 315, 549 Vanneman, M. £., appointment, 508 Van Ness, G. M., degree, 253 Van Osdel, F. E., degree, 258 Van VHet, E. S., appointments, 124, 303 Varco, J. F., degree, 269 Varma, R. I)., degree, 621 Varney, H. R., certificate, 640 Var2ino, L. S., degree, 499 Vases for landscaping of campus, purchase, 70 Vatthauer, E. W., degree, 252 Vaughan, B. M., C.P.A. certificate, 24, 141 Vaughan, C. D., degree, 78 Vaughn, J. H., degree, 616 Vaughn, R. A,, degree, 629 Vaupel, P. E., commission, 260 degree, 258 Vawter, J., appointment, 324 Veal, T. R„ degree, 617 Veatch, C. W., degree, 269 Vegetables, development of certain types, contract, 143 canceled, 516 investigation, 161 sale, 23 Veler, L. G., degree, 447 Vencill, G., appointment, 295 Venereal diseases, gift for research on, 220 Ventilating, research, expendable gift fund, Ventilating294B.,Jr.,degree,130, 140306 548 .70 Ventilation,J., du,appointments, 218, contract, Vessey, N.329F.,degree, 641concerning, special, Vespa, Manufacturing 268investigation, of, Vickery,R. V.F.,appointment,258 Vickers,J. W., H., appointments, ice-making Vestal, A.M.M.,appointments,instruction 187 Vernon,D.K.K. degree, Company, 307, 594 Villanueva, S., degree, appropriation, Villani, F. G., purchased, 359 Vigneaud, R., degree, 268 courts, Vierow, professorships, 166 8 380 Vicklund, D., contractGymnasium, 359 Visiting J. E., P., handball Vinnedge, system,degree, 474 Villars, lecturers, statute248, 167, Vission, H., heating,for Visscher,L. L., degree, 94 Vilter G. and degrees,625 budget, 5. degree, 265 29 323,, ^52. equipment 136 Woman's degree,


Vitamin A. investigation, 220 Vlcek, V. J., degree, 616 Vocational Education, State Board of, contracts, 100, 130, 462, 505 Voelkel, A. E., degree, 628 Voelkel, M. B., degree, 473 Voelker, E. W., appointment, 31s Vogel, D. F., degree, 629 Vogel, H. E-, degree, 380 Vogel, J. R., degree, 622 Vogelpohl, E. M., degree, 632 Vogt Brothers Manufacturing Company, agreement, 98 contract, 120 Voight, L. E-, appointment, 349 Voigt, R. G., appointments, 52, 312 degree, 527 Void, B., degree, 269 Volin, R. L. V., degree, 166 Vollborn, A. L., Jr., degree, 253 Voile, G. H., degree, 621 Voile, R. M., degree, 166 Vollmer, L. H., degree, 252 Vopelius, O., appointments, 86, 381 degree, 528 Voris, F. B., degree, 532 Voris, G. E., degree, 616 Vosahlik, B. A., degree, 258 Votaw, S. E., degree, 619 Vought, A. L., degree, 620 Vydareny, M., commission, 643 degree, 620 Wacll, E. C, appointment, 361 Wachowski, T. J., certificate, 267 Wachs, L. V., degree, 639 Wachter, H. A., commission, 643 degree, 6r6 Wacker, M . N., degree, 266 Waddell, J. L., Jr., commission, 643 degree, 616 Waddell, R. E., degree, 258 Waddell, T. B.F commission, 260 degree, 165 Wade, E., degree, 628 Waggoner, Margaret} appointments, 214, 295 Waggoner, Marion, degree, 470 Wagner, A. G., degree, 621 Wagner, D., degree, 381 Wagner, D. E., appointment, 356 Wagner, F. E., appointment, 86 Wagner, G. P., Jr., degree, 450 Wagner, G. W., degree, 164 Wagner, M. K-, degree, 255 Wagner, N. V., C.P.A. certificate, 141 Wagner, O. E., Jr., appointment, 311 Wahl, MM.,H.,appointment,certificate, 386 Wail, J. WT.,E.,appointment, 324 313 Wagner.campus,appointment,245 299 476 Walgren,J. ,H.,appointment, 317 Walden,E.W .M., R., degree,457488 Wakelee,V.H.,,fellowship,appropriations, Waiss,A.F.I.CT.,degree,261266325 Walker,.L. F.,R.construction, Waldron,K. M., degree,628 Waldo,M.Mrs.E.,degree, 616 Waldman,C degree, 529 532 Wainwright,D., appointments, 234, Wall, W.,H., degree,258 Walks,E.R. Gymnasium,528 degree,E. L., L., appointment, Woman's G., degree,640 degree, G. C. C.P.A.628 637 degree, 628258 C. W., M., certificate, 250 E., J., 470 degree, 616 586 . degree,