UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 46]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932
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TRUST FUND INVESTMENTS AS A T J U N E 30. 1930 Interest Purchase Amortized Fund Security Rate Maturity Par Value Rate Book Value Date Acquired Special Investments—Endowment F u n d Gift £2 000 00 1923 British Columbia Pulp and Paper Co., Ltd., 300 00 1923 Gift Ira O. Baker Prize Fund First Mort. Sinking Fund Bonds 6 Nov. I, 1950 $1 000 00 2 300 00 Vancouver Lumber Company, Limited, Gift 2 000 OO Dec. 8, 1925 William Beaumont Mem. Fund 000 00 Gift 10 000 00 June 27, 1921 First Mortgage Gold Bonds T$4 M a y i, 1937 300 00 Robert F. Carr Fellowship in 000 00 Gift I 35° OO Oct. 13, 1928 Chicago By-Products Coke Corporation, Chemistry 595 00 98 50 First and Refunding Bonds 5 Jan. 1, 1976 493 SO Sept. 9, 1925 Elec. Eng. Soc. Loan Fund 350 00 99 10 99 10 April 24, 1929 English Poetry Prize Fund Argentine Republic Bonds 5 March 1, 1945 13 500 00 98 43 590 63 Oct. 4, 1929 H 100 00 U.S.A. ist Liberty Loan Converted Bonds 4>f June 15, 1947 100 00 14 500 00 Aug. 29, 1928 500 600 00 West Penn Power Company, First Mort100 00 7 500 00 Aug. 29, 1918 500 00 gage Gold Bonds, Series " E " 5 March 1, 1963 100 00 5 250 00 Aug. 29, 1928 2JO OO U.S.A. ist Liberty Loan Converted Bonds 4>£ June 15, 1947 100 00 1 508 33 June 10, 1930 508 33 U.S.A. Fourth Liberty Loan Bond 4>i Oct. is, 1938 101 50 4 053 02 Jan. 21, 1929 000 00 (Optional) (1933) jM 99 125 First Mortgage on 339 acres of land in 2M 99 JO Franklin County, Illinois 7 June 16, 1934 14 15 035 50 Jan. 15, 1929 Detroit Edison on 280 Mortgage Bonds 15 000 00 iM 99 625 First MortgageCo., First acres of land in 5 Jan. 1, 1933 July 28, 1928 10M I0O 375 Franklin County, Illinois 7 July 7, 193 2 7 iM 102 15 279 12 July 28, 1928 First City Term. on 400 acres of land in 4 Jan. 1, i960 Sept. 14. 1928 Kan. Mortgage R.R. Co., ist Mort. Bonds 2000000 6M 102 25 Franklin County, Illinois 7 Sept. 30, 1931 5 Aug. 2, 1928 5M 102 875 First Mortgage (Part) on 80 acres of land in 17 977 00 July 30, 1928 Swift & Co., ist Mort. Sinking Fund Bonds 5 Sept.1, 1944 July 1, 1931 10 500 00 3M 103 Champaign County, Illinois 5 1 July 9M 88 75 10 741 36 30, 1928 Term. R.R. Power of St. Louis, ist Mort. Appalachian Ass'n., Co., 1st Mort. Bonds. 5 June i, 1941 4 1 010 26 Sept. 14, 1928 Bonds \ X Oct. 1, 1939 1 000 00 3M 89 00 Chicago Union Station Company, First Sept. 14, 1928 WestMortgage Bonds ist Mort. Bonds.. 5 K March 1, 1963 is 000 00 6M 90 75 Penn Power Co., 10 000 00 4 July i, 1963 Jan. 15, 1929 »M 91 25 Savings Account, Trevett-Mattis Banking April 16, 1929 10M 102 50 Company, Champaign, Illinois McKinley Endowment—EconomAug. 1, 1928 5C 101 75 Booth St. Louis Cold Storage Company, ics of Public Utilities Gift Aug. 1, 1928 iM lot 00 First Mortgage Bonds 6 Jan. 1, 1931 25 000 00 McKinley Hosp. Endowment Aug. 1, 1928 iM 102 75 Aug. 3. 1928 4M 103 00 Aug. 3, 1928 iM 103 50 10 357 12 Aug. 3, 1928 3M 103 75 90 47) 104 00 (103 000 00 Jan. 24, 1917 »5 991 03

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