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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 16]

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[July 23

I call your attention particularly to the last paragraph of the resolution adopted by the members at their meeting on July 18th, wherein it says "Be it further resolved that this resolution is not to be construed as giving to the University of Illinois any right to construct any building on any part of said real estate at any timein the future. In m y opinion, and I might say in the opinoin of Mr. Mulliken, that portion of the resolution means nothing, as the Roselawn Cemetery Association exists for no other purpose in the world than that of caring for the endowed lots in Roselawn Cemetery Association, and they cannot give to the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois any right to build in Roselawn Cemetery, neither can said Association by its resolution deny to the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois the right to build i such right exists. f Yours truly, Walter B. Riley I call your attention to the last paragraph of the resolution of the members of the Cemetery Association to the effect that the resolution is not to be construed as giving the University the right to construct any building on any part of said real estate at any time in the future. I call your attention further to the comments of our attorney on this matter. I further call your attention to the fact that the failure of the members of the Association to adopt a resolution identical with that adopted by their Board of Trustees probably invalidates the latter; for the last paragraph of the resolution of their Board of Trustees reads: " B E I T F U R T H E R R E S O L V E D , That this resolution shall be effective only and upon the adoption of a similar resolution by the members of R O S E L A W N C E M E T E R Y A S S O C I A T I O N , etc." The resolution adopted by the Association differs from that of the Trustees by the insertion of the paragraph providing that their action "is not to be construed as giving the University of Illinois any right to construct any building on any part of said real estate at any time in the future." If your Board were to conclude the purchase of the property without taking notice of this paragraph expressing the action of the Association, which in their opinion would limit your action in the matter of erecting a building, members of the Association and probably others would regard it as being not in good faith. Therefore I a m not able to recommend to you the conclusion of the negotiations looking toward the purchase of this property, nor have I seen m y way clear to advise President Chase to that effect. O n m o t i o n of M r . A r m s t r o n g , the following resolution w a s adopted: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois concurs in the President's r e c o m m e n d a t i o n that the B o a r d should not conclude the purchase of the Paisley property in R o s e l a w n C e m e t e r y with a n y limitations or restrictions as to its use not incompatible with the purposes of the rest of the cemetery.


(B) I a m making this report at the request of President Chase. The inquiry which has resulted in the report began some months ago on the basis of questions raised by a citizen and a letter of complaint received from the Champaign Chamber of Commerce. I gave the Board the substance of this inquiry and the complaint at a previous meeting in an informal way and asked that the matter be not at that time put in the record. The substance of the inquiry and the complaint was that the agricultural business, so-called, carried on as a result of the research work of the experiment station, was increasing unduly and encroaching on the legitimate business of local business men. I first made an inquiry through the Dean and heads of the departments of the College of Agriculture and submitted the results of that inquiry to the individual who asked for information. I secured also certain data with reference to the complaint of the Champaignground called Commerce. The facts showed inGeneral Agricultural was no sufficientissue I forof together However, in orderthe avoid opinion that there evading the Chamber complaint. the members of to m y any appearance