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Caption: Course Catalog - 1892-1893 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

152 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. 9. GREEK.—Greek Grammar (Goodwin's or Hadley's), Greek Prose Composition (Jones's), and four books of Xenophon's Anabasis, or two books of the Anabasis and Herodotus, Mathew's Selections. Writing Greek with the accents will be required. The so-called Continental sounds of the vowels and diphthongs and pronunciation according to accent are recommended. 10. FRENCH.—Elements of grammar, tested by the correct translation of simple English sentences into French and by questions; reading easy French prose at sight. At least one year's work. 11. GERMAN.—Elements of grammar, tested by the correct translation of simple English sentences into German and by questions; reading easy German prose at sight. At least one year's work. 12. PHYSICS.—The elements of physics as given in Gage's Introduction to Physical Science, taught with the use of apparatus for illustration and experiment. 13. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY.—The subject as presented in Hinman's Eclectic Physical Geography. High school study after the elements of other sciences necessary to the elucidation of the subject have been mastered. 14. ASTRONOMY.—The subject as given in Newcomb and Holden's Astronomy for High Schools and Colleges. 15. CHEMISTRY.—The non-metalic elements as presented in Remsen's Chemistry, Briefer Course. Laboratory practice is essential for the proper preparation in this subject. 16. PHYSIOLOGY.—The anatomy, histology, and physiology of the human body and the essentials of hygiene, taught with the aid of charts and models and demonstrations upon inferior animals, to the extent given in Martin's Human Body, Briefer Course. 17. Botany.—The parts and organs of plants in the descriptive language of the science; the relations of plants to the atmosphere, to temperature, light, soil, etc., to the inferior animals, and to man; characteristics of prominent orders and the determination of species by use of an artifical key. Gray's Lessons and Manual. 18. Zoology.—The subject as taught in the best high schools with laboratory facilities. Mere text-book work will not be accepted. County Superintendents' Certificates.—To prevent loss to those who are not prepared to enter the University, but might come, hoping to pass the examinations for admission, the following arrangement has been made:
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