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Caption: Course Catalog - 1892-1893 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I48 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. directions to the best literature upon the subject, and other information. The lectures are preceded or followed by reviews, quizzes, and discussions; and at the end of the course an examination may be held. To those satisfactorily passing such examinations a special certificate is issued in the name of the University, and the proper records are made upon its books. A special series of lectures has been arranged for teachers' summer institutes. These are not intended to take the place of the ordinary instruction given in such institutes, but to present University subjects, by University methods, as far as possible, with all the aids of illustrative and demonstrative equipments. A special circular giving the subjects and lectures for each academic year is issued during the early autumn and is sent on application. The announcements for the year 1892-93 were as follows: Botany, Professor Burrill; History of Civilization, Professor Crawford; Mediaeval History, Professor Crawford; Agriculture, Professor Morrow; Oratory, Professor Brownlee; Composition, Professor Brownlee; Physiology, Professor Rolfe; Geology, Professor Rolfe; Chemistry, Professor Palmer; Water Supply, Professor Palmer; History of Art, Professor Frederick; Chemistry of the Household, Professor Parr; Applications of Chemical Investigations to Practical Agriculture, Mr. Farrington; The Early History of Illinois, the Local and State Government, Professor Barton; Greek Literature, Professor Moss; English Life and Literature in the Nineteenth Century, Professor Dodge; History of the English Language, Professor Dodge; English Literature, Some Prose Writers of the Nineteenth Century, Professor Merrill; Electricity, Professor Shea; Experimental and Physiological Psychology, Professor Krohn; Astronomy, Professor Myers.
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