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Caption: Course Catalog - 1872-1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
58 Illinois Industrial University. COURSE 10; S. OF ENGLISH AND MODERN LANGUAGES.* FIRST T I A E . History of English Language, Composition; Solid Geometry, 7w. Algebra, 7.; Chemistry; History, 2, 2 . Advanced Grammar, Philological Analysis; Algebra; Free-hand Drawing, 10, or Chemistry; History, 2. 31 Advanced Grammar, Authors; Trigonometry or Chemistry; Botany or Bookkeeping. SECOND YEAH. 1; 2. 3. English Literature, Authors; French; Descriptive Geometry, or Anatomy and Physiology. English Literature, Authors; French; Analytical Geometry or Zoology. History of English Literature; French; Calculus, or Mineralogy and Entomology. THIBD YEAH. II 2. 3; History of English Literature; German; Ancient History and Drawing, or Anatomy and Physiology. Rhetoric; German; Medieval History or Geology. Criticism, Principles of Taste; German; Modern History or Geology. FOURTH YEAR. 1. 2. 3. Mental Science; Constitutional History or Geology; Practical Astronomy. Moral Philosophy, 3, Logic, 2; History of Civilization and the Arts; Physical Geography or Physics; History of Philosophy, Logic; Political Economy; Constitutional Law or Physics. 1: C. 10 ; S. OP ANCIENT LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE.* FIRST YEAR. 1. 2. 3. Cicero de Amicitia and Prose Composition ; Solid Geometry, 7 w. Algebra, 7 w.; Anabasis—4th Book, and Prose Composition. Livy and Eoman History, Prose Composition ; Advanced Algebra ; Herodotus and Prose Composition, or Chemistry. Horace—Odes, Prosody, Roman History ; Trigonometry or Chemistry ; Thucydides or Botany. SECOND YEAR. 1. 2. 3. Horace—Satires and ArsPoetica; Descriptive Geometry or Anatomy and Physiology; Iliad and Greek Prosody. .Juvenal; Analytical Geometry or Zoology ; Iiiad. Quintilian ; Calculus or Mineralogy and Entomology ; Demosthenes de Corona. THIRD YEAR. 1. 2. 3. Cicero de Officiis ; Ancient History or Comparative Anatomy and Physiology ; Selections from Greek Tragedy. Tacitus ; Medieval History or Geology ; Xenophon's Memorabilia. Tacitus; Modern History or Geology; Plato and Grecian Philosophy. FOURTH YEAR. 1. 2. 3. Mental Science; Constitutional History or Geology; Practical Astronomy. Moral Philosophy, Logic, 2; History of Civilization and the Arts; Physical Geography or Physics.; History of Philosophy, Logic ; Political Economy; Constitutional Law or,Physics. *The Requirements for Admission, page 39, sliould include Plane Geometry.
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