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Caption: Course Catalog - 1868-1869 VERSION A This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

27 A TWO YEARS' COURSE. FIRST YEAR.—First term.—Chemical Physics and Inorganic Chemistry. Structural and Physiological Botany. First five books of Davies' Legendre. Second term. Organic Chemistry. "How Crops Grow." English Language. Tliird term.—Qualitative Analysis. Detection of the alkalies, alkalineearths, earths, etc. Sytematic Botany; Excursions and Collections. English Language. SECOND YEAH.—First term.—Qualitative Analysis continued. Detection and Separation of the Elements. Chain Surveying and Mensuration. Geometrical Drawing. General Principles of Zoology, (or German). Second term.—General Principles of Geology. Vegetable Economy ; How Plants Peed. Topographical Drawing. Animal Physiology, (or German). Third term.—Geology of Illinois. Vegetable Economy. Entomology, (or German). A THREE YEARS' COURSE. FIRST YEAR.—First term.—Chemical Physics and Inorganic ChemistryStructural and Physiological Botany. First five books of Davies' Legendre. Second term.—Organic Chemistry. Vegetable Physiology. English Language. Third term.—Qualitative Analysis. Detection of the alkalies, alkalineearths, earths, etc. Systematic Botany; Excursions and Collections. English Language. SECOND YEAR.—First term.—Qualitative Analysis continued; Detection and Separation of the Elements. Chain Surveying and Mensuration. Geometrical Drawing. German. Second term.—Quantitative analysis of salts, minerals, ores, alloys, furnace products, etc. Vegetable Economy. German. THIED YEAR.—First term.—General Principles of Zoology. Plane Trigonometry, one half term. Entomology. French. Second term.—Principles of Geology. Tillage and Manures. French. Tliird term.—Geology of Illinois. Compass Surveying and Leveling. French. A FOUR YEARS' COURSE. FIRST YEAR.—First term.—Chemical Physics and Inorganic Cheinistr Structural and Physiological Botany. First five books of Davies' Legendre. Second term.—Organic Chemistry. How Crops Grow. English Language. Third term.—Qualitative Analysis. Detection of the alkalies, alkalineearths, earths, etc. Systematic Botany ; Excursions and Collections. English Language. SECOND YEAR.—First term.—Qualitative Analysis continued; Detection and separation of the Elements. Chain purveying and Mensuration. Geometrical Drawing. German. Second term.—Quantitative Analysis of salts, minerals, ores, alloys, furnace products, etc. Topographical Drawing. How Plants Feed. German. Third term.—Quantitative Analysis of soils, manures, ashes of plants, etc. How Plants Feed. German. Third term.—-Quantitative analysis of soils, manures, ashes of plants, etc. Vegetable Economy. German. THIRD YEAH.—First term.—Higher Physics. Plane Trigonometry, one-half term. French. Second term.—Principles of Geology. Tillage and Manures. French. Third term.—Geology of Illinois. Excursions and collections, Compass Surveying and Leveling. Maps and Plats of Farm Surveys. French. FOURTH YEAH.—First term.—General Principles of Zoology. Inductive Logic. English Literature.
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