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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

78 board of trustees [November 16 MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT KINLEY The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. AUDITORS' REPORT (i) The report of the auditors for the quarter ending September 30, 1928. October 29, 1928 Board of Trustees, University of I l n i , Urbana, I l n i lios lios Dear Sirs: W e have audited the accounts of the University of I l n i for the quarter lios ending September 30, 1928. W e v r f e the account of Cash Receipts and Disbursements as shown by eiid the books of the Business Office. W e have v r f e a l items of Cash, Investments and Receivables as shown eiid l in the Balance Sheet. W e have also v r f e in t t l a l disbursements made on account of the eiid oa l University by the State Auditor. In our opinion the statements contained in the Comptroller's report r f e t elc the true f n n i l condition of the University at September 30, 1928. iaca Arthur Young & Company This report was received for record. APPROPRIATION FOR COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY (2) On request of Dean Noyes, I recommend that $1,400 be appropriated from the Reserve and Contingent Fund to provide for the salary of a technician and wages of an assistant on s e i l research work. pca O n motion of Mrs. Evans, this appropriation was made, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Barr, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Grigsby, Mr. Trees, Mr. Ward; no, none; absent, Mrs. Ickes, Dr. Noble, Mr. Small. APPROPRIATION FOR WORK IN THE UNIVERSITY FORESTRY (3) I recommend that an appropriation of $500 be made from the Reserve and Contingent Fund to the Supervising Architect's budget for additional work in clearing up the University forestry. O n motion of Mrs. Busey, this appropriation was made, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Barr, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Grigsby, Mr. Trees, Mr. Ward; no, none; absent, Mrs. Ickes, Dr. Noble, Mr. Small. APPROPRIATION FOR BRONZE BUST OF LINCOLN (4) On request of the Supervising Architect, I recommend that an appropriation of $450 be made from the Reserve and Contingent Fund for the purchase of a bronze bust of Lincoln by Hermon MacNeil of New York to be placed in the niche in Lincoln Hall. O n motion of Mrs. Grigsby, this appropriation was made, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Barr, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Grigsby, Mr. Trees, Mr. Ward; no, none; absent, Mrs. Ickes, Dr. Noble, Mr. Small. At this point, Dr. Noble took his place with the Board. APPROPRIATIONS FOR WORKING DRAWINGS FOR NEW BUILDINGS (5) On request of the Supervising Architect, I recommend that an appropriation of $5,000 be made from the Reserve and Contingent Fund as a revolving fund for working drawings and preliminary plans for some of the buildings asked for the next biennium.
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